Hey all! I am working on another project for my portfolio, this time a creepy house! This is what I have so far for the concept. I modified an existing concept and then created what I think the back should look like. Any suggestions would be great!
<my perspective is poop>

Very cool concept I like your style!
If you ask me, when you complete this, you should totally do a spooky environment that goes well with this. Its awesome
I am not entirely sure how I should model everything. I know the roof will be a plane for the 'game model' but I am not sure what to do about the tiles in the high poly. I was thinking probably just make a bunch of shingles and layering them. Would that be the best way? Guild Wars 2 had a bunch of really good houses that are similar to what I am doing, in terms of design.
I'll be adding the doors and windows when I work on it again. Also the wood crisscrossing the house. I was thinking that I would just alpha out parts of the walls and roof so you could see through to whatever light source ill have on the inside. Or I could paint the light coming through and use planes to give the light ray effect. Bit of both?
I recommend going for actual geo over alpha'd planes on the model. It's more important that your scene look impressive than meeting some imaginary poly budget.
@jsargent I think i'll be updating the concept on Thursday when I decide what I'm adding to the piece besides the environment stuff that's around it. I'll be sure to make the original concept artist more visible on there.
I remember seeing the concept a while ago as well and made a mental note to go back to it whenever I had time for another project.
After Day II:
I have the rocks laid out about where I want them. I'll just be switching over to modeling environment stuff for now. I'm doing the tree from the concept and then I am going to add a barrel and an overstuffed shitty mailbox. The barrel will go under the gutter that is going down the middle of the roof. Any suggestions so far?
I'm going back and forth on whether the roof needs sculpting. One the one hand, I could not sculpt on them, overlap the UVs and then do a blanket wood texture. on the other, I could unwrap them separately on another texture, maybe with a few other things. Thoughts?
Also, you will notice I changed a few scale things from the last model as well as the tree. Let me know what you think!
The things in the scene right now are tiling, everything else just has AO. You can probably get a better sense of how it'll look when I update tomorrow with the rest of the base textures.
The roof looks to flat at the front, you should give it depth. (Since it isn't made of paper, but wood, hehe)
If the alpha doesn't end up working out, I have a contingency plan for using actual geo, we'll just have to see how it goes.
+ Base tiling textures done
+ Flats and ambient occlusion on unique textures
+ Roof texture somewhere close to final alphas it'll have, has base texture
+ Get all base textures done tomorrow
+ Get grass/branch alphas placed tomorrow
+ Get prelim lighting done tomorrow
Thing's i'd specifically like feedback on:
+ Tree texture
+ Weird artifact on back of the ground of the model, how do I fix?
General feedback on the photo textures/saturation level/suggestions for getting the mood right would be greatly appreciated!
Smoke from the chimney can also influence the effect towards either cheery homestead or festering nest of evil...
When you get around to texturing the barrel, keep in mind that the strap will leave behind a discolored band on the wood after it slides.
@dwalker those flats were defiantly placeholders, but I like the direction your thinking is going. I'll have to experiment with light colors to get the right mood. Also, smoke would be an excellent idea, I'll have to keep that in mind! And thanks for the tip on the barrel!
+ Illumination on windows is a flat color for now, making it look window-y will also be tomorrow
+ Thinking about doing a different plant that has a curve to the plane instead of being just flat, may fix the problem of the terrain looking flat
+ Any suggestions on how I can get this closer to the concept? Any thoughts in general?
Concept (so ya'll don't have to scroll)
The texturing though needs some love. Go back and grayscale them all out (temporarily). Make sure there aren't the same value of grey surfaces next to each other. Then reintroduce your colors. You're lacking value separation and everything is sort of blending together in places. I will say the wood frame on the house and red is working though.
+ Fiddled with lighting/rim lighting a bit
+ Worked on window/barrel/door/roof metal
For next time:
+ Will work on chimney/roof/mailbox - I think when I go in a punch up the value on different parts of the roof and add some illumination, it'll really help out everything looking the same tone
Main question, besides critique of what I've got so far are:
+ Having trouble with getting a good translucency in marmoset, seems like alpha-to-coverage might be the way to go but I'll need to do more research. Any suggestions?
+ Preference on grass placement/thickness?
Thanks everyone!
@Jeff Parrott I'm slowly touching all of the textures. It's been pretty helpful to gray-scale my renders so I can see whats going on. Thanks for the tip!
@Denny I'll see what I can come up with when I start in on the chimney (Saturday?) It definitely just has a flat texture on there now
You lost some color in the windows in the last update. I liked the orange. Also, it would be sweet if the rays coming out of the window would have softer edges.
Looking real nice overall ;]
I think that the bottom part of the house could get more dirt as it sticks out to much with the red versus the ground. Also as someone else pointed out more value variation in the textures overall would be nice, mostly thinking of the red in this case.
Keep up with the good work! :thumbup:
+redid the grass again, I really like how it turned out
+made the lighting warmer on the windows
+made it so you can see the wood around the windows a little better
+added dirt to the bottom of the house/wood/chimney
any suggestions?
If you are the curious sort and would like to see the wireframe/textures/high poly I'll have it up on my website by tonight. Thanks again!
You strengthened the variations on the walls which is great! However, the green/blueish spots doesn't look quite right to me. I think turning it down just a little bit or maybe make it a bit darker or wood-like could improve the appearance. Right now my eyes keeps getting distracted by those spots on the wall, I think the piece could benefit from some additional tweaking.
Everything else is top notch!
I think one of the things about the grass that sells it well in the concept that's missing is it looks like you have a clumpy tall grass bush of some sort under the windows which really helps catch the light (back and side) but that seems to be missing or just very thinned out on your model.
I agree with Razz, I liked the orange windows better and overall it looks really nice
@Denny - I might try and tone down the teal color a bit and punch up the darker purples that are in the wall.
@Vysuki - I agree, it would be good to add some more bushy grass in front of the windows. Also, I'll punch up the dirt that's at the bottom of the walls/wood.