Hi Polycount, I'm back with a new project, this is the most ambitious project I'll be creating so far. This is the beginning of my senior project at school and I'll be creating the Remora by Ian McQue. I will be posting updates as I go, feel free to critique at anytime.
@MisterSande: I plan to use one texture sheet for everything except the floor panels. I'm thinking of using a trim sheet so i can paste on each panel and vent.
Looks good, I feel a lot of your paneling is very flat, though. That one at the back almost looks like it's the shape of a car door in the concept - slightly curved with some ridges - yet it's just a flat sheet with some ridges on it in your model. It starts to lose that slightly organic, slightly wonky, rebuilt-and-repaired-over-the-years feel the concept has.
@sipher3325 + SimonT: Thanks! @Farfarer: I know what you mean, I was confused about some of the paneling, but I looked up the actual model kit of the ship and it looked liked that. I'll look into it though.
What is your plan for texturing ? multiple textures/assets or 1 big sheet ?
Here's my latest update:
And here's the crane up close:
Cockpit Interior:
Worked on the engines, more to come this week!
@Farfarer: I know what you mean, I was confused about some of the paneling, but I looked up the actual model kit of the ship and it looked liked that. I'll look into it though.
Here's a reference that I used: