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MAZDA RX8 _LO poly

MAZDA RX8, I posted this a while ago.







  • harricool
    dude..making car is no easy deal..would be better if u have proper reference blueprint for perfect measurement and go through some 3d models of car for line flow....coz car is all about perfect lineflow right now its full of a mess..giv ur maximum ...all the best
  • solarSailor
    harricool wrote: »
    dude..making car is no easy deal..would be better if u have proper reference blueprint for perfect measurement and go through some 3d models of car for line flow....coz car is all about perfect lineflow right now its full of a mess..giv ur maximum ...all the best

    yeah i probly should have posted some of my ref as well:poly127:
  • J0NNYquid
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    J0NNYquid polycounter lvl 5
    Awesome! Hope this comes out well, the RX-8 is one of my favorite cars. Ditto what was said above though, get some blueprints in your scene (if you don't already), will make your life sooooo much easier.
  • Todday
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    Todday polycounter lvl 11
    Without using blueprints it looks pretty good. Did this take you an entire day to make this?
  • solarSailor
    Todday wrote: »
    Without using blueprints it looks pretty good. Did this take you an entire day to make this?

    I am(was) using blueprints, I just did not feel like posting them.
  • solarSailor
    when working on something like this I know the silhouette is what counts the most
  • spahr
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    spahr polycounter lvl 8
    Looking good so far. Overall, I think you may need to just step back, take a breather. I know the feeling of getting into the mode of pushing verts, and zooming in, and you can get lost a bit. Overall, id say my biggest critique is the areas you chose to disperse your poly count. Not including the wheels of course, things like the front grill are heavy, but its a simple shape, where as beside it, there is a very complex area recieving no polygones.

    The other critique i have is just general edge flow. But I know this comes with time. I usually go through my models in waves, slowly but surely inching closer to well dispersed edge flow.

    Anyways, i took the liberty of drawing out some areas i thought were key.

    Red is modeling critique

    Blue is form and accuracy to the Mazda critique.


    Oh and looking at the bottom right hand part, i was referring to when people pinch two edges, i dont mind(but always try to avoid on vehicles), but when 2 verts down, you pinched 2 other edges, why not just use the few polys you're saving to continue the edges and not pinch. Trust me, when you get some reflection shaders on the model, youll be happy you did.

    Speaking of reflections, try to avoid hard edges. Even though some areas on the car seem to have tight edges, they are always softened out, and I know its a low poly car, but hard edges on a car that actually doesnt have them, and then reflections...it hurts.


    Even on one of the boxiest cars, the edges are rounded out, and the models look better for it.
  • Aga22
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    Aga22 polycounter lvl 12
    personally i would say build the high poly car, then retopo on top of it. NOT bake, race games dont use normal maps on the body , just polygons. but the only way to get proper edge flow and nice shape, unless youre the michelangelo of modellers (not specifically about you, about everybody) is to retopo on the highpoly. i even did it on a highpoly model once. i was unhappy on how it looked so i built another hipoly mesh on top of my original, using topogun, and when i turbosmoothed it (in max) it came out awesome.
  • solarSailor
    spahr wrote: »
    Looking good so far. Overall, I think you may need to just step back, take a breather. I know the feeling of getting into the mode of pushing verts, and zooming in, and you can get lost a bit. Overall, id say my biggest critique is the areas you chose to disperse your poly count. Not including the wheels of course, things like the front grill are heavy, but its a simple shape, where as beside it, there is a very complex area recieving no polygones.

    The other critique i have is just general edge flow. But I know this comes with time. I usually go through my models in waves, slowly but surely inching closer to well dispersed edge flow.

    Anyways, i took the liberty of drawing out some areas i thought were key.

    Red is modeling critique

    Blue is form and accuracy to the Mazda critique.

    Oh and looking at the bottom right hand part, i was referring to when people pinch two edges, i dont mind(but always try to avoid on vehicles), but when 2 verts down, you pinched 2 other edges, why not just use the few polys you're saving to continue the edges and not pinch. Trust me, when you get some reflection shaders on the model, youll be happy you did.

    Speaking of reflections, try to avoid hard edges. Even though some areas on the car seem to have tight edges, they are always softened out, and I know its a low poly car, but hard edges on a car that actually doesnt have them, and then reflections...it hurts.


    Even on one of the boxiest cars, the edges are rounded out, and the models look better for it.

    Thanks I appreciate what you did there, but adding all that detail would defeat the goal of making it low poly, but, I guess if you think it would benefit from more detail I think I should just add it huh.
  • ZacD
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    ZacD ngon master
    When it comes to cars for modern video games, because they don't use normal maps, they are more liberal with the polycounts. These are from one of the lastest Need for Speed games


    100k tris for a car is not unheard of, though I'd aim for 30k to 50k.
  • Notes
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    Notes polycounter lvl 4
    Dont be afraid to start over if you need to, you'll save more time avoiding the mistakes you've made before compare to trying to fix them...my first car (s2000) I had restarted it from scratch 4 times.
  • JoshWilkinson
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    JoshWilkinson polycounter lvl 9
    I think a good thing to keep in mind is file size. My 2k maps are 12MB and my 59k models are 9.5MB in .obj format or 2MB in .fbx. What that means is that maps are significantly more expensive than polys, and since vehicles are usually monochromatic, it's often more efficient to allow them a dense polycount than the traditional model + maps workflow.
  • solarSailor
    good advice guys, this is my first car ever so I think I will benefit from this
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