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anyone here ever have carpal tunnel? can you get it in both wrists?

polycounter lvl 11
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MainManiac polycounter lvl 11
lately ive been getting a dull ache deep in the center of my right forearm, and both of my hands tingle like pins and needles, but mostly my right

not sure what to do about it, I've used the computer for 6-7 years now and this is the first time ive had my hands tingle

every now and then the tendon in my thumb would feel like it just drops all control and twitches for a split second, but that comes and goes every few months and only lasts like 2 days


  • James Ordner
    I've never had it (though I fear my day will come...), but my Mom has. She worked on a computer most of her career. She started by wearing braces on both her wrists at night (yes, both), but it eventually got so bad she had to have surgery on them. Since the surgery, she hasn't had any problems at all. That's as far as my experience with carpal goes, hopefully yours doesn't reach that point!
  • MainManiac
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    MainManiac polycounter lvl 11
    Thanks for replying

    I just hope its early enough for me to reverse it with wrist exercise/braces when using the computer or a special type of mouse bad or something
  • 2cat
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    2cat polycounter lvl 5
    I started to experience these type of problems around this time last year. That's when I bought a Wacom tablet after hearing that using a pen helped reduce a lot of these symptoms for a lot of people(here on PC, other internet stories).

    So far, I'm very pleased, it has helped me a ton. I still have some aches after working with a mouse for an extended time but due to using the tablet a lot it has reduced the ache I get and when I switch back to the pen the ache goes away very quickly too.
  • James Ordner
    2cat wrote: »
    I still have some aches after working with a mouse for an extended time but due to using the tablet a lot it has reduced the ache I get and when I switch back to the pen the ache goes away very quickly too.

    It's surprising that this actually works, but it does! I have started writing notes and planning programming stuff using my wacom, rather than typing, and the relief is quite noticeable :)

    It also seems that my programming problem-solving skills improve when I'm using a pen and seeing the handwriting on the screen, rather than looking at my keyboard and the set font on screen. But maybe it's just all in my head too :poly142:
  • MainManiac
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    MainManiac polycounter lvl 11
    I have a wacom tablet but it would be hard to do anything in max with it :S
  • Shiskebab
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    Shiskebab polycounter lvl 16
    I started to have a tingling feeling in my hand but that disappeared when i started doing wrist exercises.

    I started with this :http://www.sportfood.nl/expand-your-hand-bands/

    and after a month or so with these: http://www.sportfood.nl/grippers/

    Every other day i exercise for a couple minutes with the gripper.
  • JohnnyRaptor
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    JohnnyRaptor polycounter lvl 15
    Many of my fellow artists have gotten it. Its crap.

    Iv managed to avoid it so far tho and i got one of these at work and home,

    [ame="http://www.amazon.co.uk/Powerball-Neon-White-Pro-Signature/dp/B000MLPGZG/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1359301090&sr=8-1"]Powerball Neon White Pro Signature: Amazon.co.uk: Sports & Outdoors[/ame]

    i try remember to use it a few times a week during lunch etc at work.
  • MainManiac
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    MainManiac polycounter lvl 11
    thanks shiskebab, ill see if I can pick those up!

    how should your wrist be angled relative to your mouse? My elbow rests on my chair arm rest and then my wrist is about 1.5 inches higher, so my wrist bends down a tiny bit and lightly touches the table
  • 2cat
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    2cat polycounter lvl 5
    frell wrote: »
    I have a wacom tablet but it would be hard to do anything in max with it :S

    I was sceptical to use my tablet in max as well but I got used to it very quickly and I love it right now. Sure there are a few drawbacks but I'll take those drawbacks over aches any time.
  • Skillmister
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    Skillmister polycounter lvl 11
    frell wrote: »
    I just hope its early enough for me to reverse it with wrist exercise/braces when using the computer or a special type of mouse bad or something

    Yeah that's probably not ideal all you'll end up doing is masking the problem for a while until you start getting it with the 'new' setup and need to change again.

    Powerballs are good. Stretch your wrists/hands/arms. Masturbation... :)
  • Ruz
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    Ruz insane polycounter
    yeah damaged the nerves in my elbow and have a big lump on my wrist, tingling in my little finger and the one next to it. had it 4 years now.

    If it offends me too much i will chop it off :)
  • Joshua Stubbles
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    Joshua Stubbles polycounter lvl 20
    I had mild cts a few years ago. I went in and they gave me some cortico-steroid injections in my wrists and forearm. Took it easy on the PC a few weeks and since then there have't been any more pain. My wrists do get stiff once in a while, but nothing horrible.

    I believe Kevin Johnstone has a post about his dealing with it, somewhere on Polycount.
  • Progg
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    Progg polycounter lvl 11
    I do everything with a wacom tablet now. I haven't used a mouse in over 2 years. Problem I have is more in my neck and shoulder which causes wrist pain. It's mostly in my keyboard hand now. It shifted from my right to my left after giving up the mouse. I've just come to live with it but it doesnt make this type of job any easier that's for sure.

    The tablet is a solid idea if it's your right hand. It has helped me out the last 2 years. As far as the keyboard hand, I havent found a solution.
  • JohnnyRaptor
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    JohnnyRaptor polycounter lvl 15
    be careful though, some guy at work who switched to only using tablet still had cts symptoms. and apprently turned out to be how hard he held the pen and how hard he pressured it on the tablet.

    edit, and the only thing that seems to really work once youv gotten it, from my observational experience (never had it myself) is complete switch off and get away from the pc for a few weeks.

    so dont wait till you get it before you change your habits and posture etc.
  • WarrenM
    I have RSI injuries in my shoulders and back which leads to a lot of wrist pain. All those years of slouching at my desk caught up and it SUCKS.

    As a side note, I don't think it has much to do with grip strength. Those stress balls and gripper things probably help because they build up the muscles but they aren't addressing the underlying issue which is your posture. The way my masseuse explained it to me is that it's a cascade effect. The back muscles overwork from slouching in your chair and reaching forward all day - which causes your shoulders and neck to compensate, and when they tire out your forearms take over and from there it's a short jump to the wrists...

    Once you have it, there's no cure. There's only management and mitigation. I started feeling it back in 2007 but I'm still going strong today. It's doable, but you have to take steps.

    I get a monthly trigger point massage to loosen up my over stressed back and neck muscles, and I try to sit up as well as I can during the day. I've also starting hitting the gym a lot over the last few years and that has REALLY helped ... the better shape I'm in, the less pain I feel.
  • DavePhipps
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    DavePhipps polycounter lvl 7
    Not to alarm you, but I was having similar symptoms and it turned out to be a heart attack. No pain but numbness and tingling in forearms and wrists. Go see a doctor just in case.
  • MainManiac
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    MainManiac polycounter lvl 11
    DavePhipps wrote: »
    Not to alarm you, but I was having similar symptoms and it turned out to be a heart attack. No pain but numbness and tingling in forearms and wrists. Go see a doctor just in case.
    I'm 18 lol

    I don't have numbness just an ache in right forearm and some tingling every now and then in hand

    and arent most heart attack signs associated with left arm
  • Two Listen
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    Two Listen polycount sponsor
    I started having issues with CTS a good few years ago. Tingling, numbness, feelings of temperature change in certain parts of my hand, that dull hollow feeling ache going up through my forearm, etc. It was only in my right hand, though. Biggest problem was that I started dropping things which was a pain with things like dishes.

    They wound up giving me a brace which I wore during comp usage, writing/drawing, and sleeping. Which meant it stayed on pretty much all day. It seemed to help in the immediacy of the moment, but what seemed to be the "fix" was just getting a new desk. I'd moved and had to get a new set up, new desk has much better positioning for mouse/keyboard/tablet. Haven't had any problems for a couple years now.
  • Cap
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    Cap triangle
    I started having similar issues (Dull aches, tingling, pain, etc) around a year ago. Went to the doctor and they did the good ole CTS test on me and said everything was fine (which was good I guess but it didnt do anything to help me). I started doing these exercise ( http://boingboing.net/2009/03/31/carpal-tunnel-syndro.html ) and they totally went away. Now I dont do them on a regular basis (although I guess I should) but whenever my hands get tired/sore I do em for a few days and it clears up. Of course if none of the posted exercise help after awhile I would def see a doctor just in case.
  • D4V1DC
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    D4V1DC polycounter lvl 18
    frell wrote: »
    I'm 18 lol arent most heart attack signs associated with left arm

    Yes, family history here so I should know.

    Just echoing, posture, wacom tablet & exercise should alleviate a lot of issues. I get it sometimes just a very mild discomfort as soon as I notice It I find a way to correct It, a lot of times it is the positioning of my elbow to my wrist. I setup my workspace so that my arm rest is leveled to my wacom, mouse and keyboard.
    Been using PC's for damn near 15+ years (started early) but so far so good?

    My mouse is dieing and I was also skeptical about the tablet thing but been using it for everything for about 2 months now.
    Once you get used to it, you definitely see a difference and wonder how the hell you lived without It.
  • Nick Carver
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    Nick Carver polycounter lvl 10
    I started getting RSI pains/tingling in my fingers and wrists at the end of last year. I'd been doing a lot of artwork at home on top of my time in the office and was also playing videogames more than I normally do these days (curse you Assassin's Creed III/Hotline Miami!). It was getting pretty bad, but I took some time off over Xmas/New Year and started wearing a wrist support and I've not had any problems since. I also changed my desk set up at work and had an Ergotron arm fitted to my Cintiq. I tend to alternate between mouse and stylus quite a lot which is helpful too, I think.

    Like others have said, I think your sitting posture is the most important thing to correct if you're having these problems. I once had my PC set up in a closet (there was nowhere else I could put it!) and I would sit hunched over it with my body all curled forward. I started to get RSI pains within a couple of days of that, so it makes sense that even with slightly bad posture that you will develop these problems eventually.
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