I am actually not pursuing a career in 3d art, but rather aspiring to become a Level Designer. I spend most of my time working in UDK, Unity, or various Level editors making maps. With that said I love everything about 3d art and have enjoyed learning how to use 3ds max. I originally used max for blocking out my map ideas and quickly discovered how fun it was to model. I still plan on educating myself and working towards Level Design, but could not help myself from posting my doodad. lol. Crits are welcomed!!

This was my attempt at hard surface modeling. I am still gong to add many details, like nobs, switches, bolts, and screws. Going to add the bolts as floaters and bake it all into the low poly model which I have not started yet. I just wanted to share what I made so far.

Right off my head,
a- your model looks like it has pretty much the same width.Go in and add in some variations in the width
b- are you following a concept
c- as suggested, iwould soften some edges up.and by soften i mean chamfer
d- Youre not going to get a nice bake for your lowres since most of your extrusions are at a 90degree angle to the horizon. solution again,is chamfer/beveling
As far as concept goes - yes. I was not going for a 1:1 ratio but rather using a picture a buddy of mine made
lol, it is -
Let's give our mutual friend David Chen some credit with a direct link to his on-going student portfolio ;-)