It's a gun that's been done before, but it's one I've admired so much in S.T.A.L.K.E.R I just had to attempt it myself. The goal of this is to be a portfolio piece, hopefully improving on my
last work.
Currently I've about 80% completed the Highpoly. From here the plan is:
- Create low poly
- use PipelineIO script to set hard edges by Uv borders (because apparently that's a thing you can do in modo now)
- Bake in xNormal
- Texture! Hopefully dDo beta will still be going by the time I get to this stage but I doubt it.
Today as well as yesterday I've been working on the PSO scope, which is probably the trickiest Sub-D work I've done to date (and you can spot the noob mistake I made of not starting with enough geo (32 sides) on the main cylinder)

PSO wires:
I'll be trying to update regularly, once I finish (hah) the highpoly things should speed up as well. Thanks for looking! :thumbup:
Also added some missing details, started iron sights, few small tweaks. Only have one major part on the PSO to make. I'll definitely be softening up some edges too.
Been attempting to sculpt the welding on the iron sights, don't think it's looking very good though. I've just been using clay brushes with round alpha / lazymouse. Any tips for sculpting welds? PatJS's VSS Vintorez for example has MUCH better looking welds:
Finishing up PSO scope, finally. Just a few more things to add.
Started the low poly, took about 2 hours (haven't done PSO yet, still optimising areas)
And the 99.9998% complete High Poly:
After baking, I'll be nDo'ing in details, then texturing (oh god). I might just throw on a automatic UV to do some test baking first too actually. (Already test baked the handle which turned out perfect, not sure about the barrel and some other areas though, might need some supporting loops depending on where hard edges go)
Test bake. Another shot:
I'm not really happy with how I handled doing the welds. What I did was use planes at a 45 degree angle and take them to Zbrush, as the previous method of dynameshing the barrel + ironsights together wasn't working. Basically I had to unify mesh to get enough dynamesh resolution, but I couldn't GOZ back to un-unify because the mesh was too high poly for Modo. Is there any way to un-unify or will I have to retopo the dynamesh if I want to try this?
Next I have to bake the PSO, which won't be too hard. Then NDO in details.
So, the wood is still super W.I.P. Varnish will need to be reworked and then get its own special specular/gloss overlays. Also not 100% set on the plywood layers either, if I can find some wood textures other than mayang/cgtextures/wikimedia I can always reproject the laminate and try different combinations. Also, the maps (excluding normal) have no edge padding/dilation, so that's why there are seams, that will be fixed when it's done.
Pretty happy with how the purple grip turned out though, reference if you're interested:
A massive, massive improvement over the one in the STALKER series now
@ThaSlimShady: I'm hoping to learn animation/rigging sometime in the near future, if so I'll probably be using this as the model. If you want to rig it to try and put it in STALKER or something I can send you the files when it's done, although might have to check if stalker uses gloss maps or how it would handle the scope being a seperate chunk.
@Kon Artist: I started the High Poly December last year, didn't really work on it in early Jan.. The last week has been pretty much working on it as much as I can. As you can see the High-Poly took me the longest, the Low Poly / UV's / Baking took less because I've had more experience with that sort of work, plus some workflow speed ups thanks to scripts and other tricks I've recently put into practice. I'd say I spent about 4-5 weeks on the high poly and maybe two days for the low poly models, although there was a bit of back and forth so its hard to give a super accurate idea.
The PSO scope was the trickiest shape and I didn't model in as much as I could have, I left a lot of little things to nDo, which helped with speeding things up but leaves a less impressive highpoly.
Today I'll probably work on the PSO texture, get it to roughly the same level as the gun and then I'll refine them both until texturing is complete.
I'm thinking of making two textures, one clean/new materials and one worn/used, which will also be the one with the varnished wooden stock.
Yes please. And IIRC stalkers models can use up to 3 spots for accessories (Scope, GL attachement and sil.)
For the gloss there's a way around which I came up with
If you'd like to know, I'd like to use it in this:
The community really wants some updated models
Thanks man, it might look like I'm keeping it cool, but I'm literally jumping in the air!
So I've been pretty lazy recently and haven't been working that hard, although I have fixed a few errors I found, and cleaned up a bunch of behind the scenes stuff. If you're wanting to put this in MISERY I'm definitely going to have to make a beat up version
Do you have skype? If so PM me and I can send you the models if you want to have a look at them, you might not be able to use STALKER's Vintorez reloading animation because it's around the wrong way. I imagine textures will need quite a bit of tweaking for xray compared to marmoset too?
Anyway, updates.. I personally like clean weapons but I should do a beat up version for portfolio purposes anyway:
We'll take things there from now on. I've informed the team and they're thrilled at your excitement with MISERY
Basically I've started the wear and tear, which will include the wood. I've given damaging the wood a few goes but haven't got it looking too great yet. The plan at the moment is to have clean and damaged versions, with colour variations of those as well (the wood can be red, yellow, brown etc, the purple front grip can be black, etc). Here's the wood in yellow for comparison:
Hopefully I'll stop obsessing over small details soon and actually finish this - I can only have so many vss-d-final-2.tga's cluttering up the place.
colour variations will obviously be done last once texture is finalised.
Just one question, wouldn't the other parts of the gun be worn, too? Minor damage here and there, not something like rust, just scratches etc. Or, you'll be doing that later on because that's not a priority?
Here's a reference of a rather heavily worn Vintorez:
As you can see I've still got a way to go with adding wear to the barrel, and I might have to look at the wood damage again to try and make it more consistent.
Included the one on the left to show what it looks like when specular highlight is right on the wood, as the worn areas are darker in both the specular and gloss.
Awesome, really well done man