Edit : finished work ! Mental Ray render

Hello, this is my first post here !
I started a 3D school last year in October and we are just beginning to learn ZBrush. This is my very first scuplt and I am not even close to master ZBrush, it was just for practice at the beginning and I didn't intend to go that far but now I am willing to finish it

I don't have any concept sketch to show you but I plan to add some jewelry things in her branches and ivy on her body (and a clear separation between bark and skin like I did on the arms)
I welcome any crits !
Other than that I think that you should try to check some references on anatomy and tree folk/elementals, its a bit hard to see what pieces might be human skin and what are wooden parts. Also I cant help but feel that the feet are a bit brittle compared in size to the rest of the body. The roots at the bottom of a tree trunk are usually the thickest area.
JONNYquid, I did not wanted the knee roots to be roots in fact
Thank you both for your feeback
I did a paintover trying to apply what you told me and I highlighted the parts that are to be skin, and a close up of the bark I did on the arm and what I intend to do (maybe the bark doesn't pop out enough ?) :
Please tell me if you see any anatomical mistake, then I'll move on to the face and details