I am going to post here and hopefully get some feedback. Recently I've been working on a school project in a team to create a game using the cryengine. For it I've been creating characters, below is the most recent one I am working on (the village leader). I am hoping to get some suggestions with folds, especially in the sleeve area. Something seems off but I'm not sure how to improve.

On a side note I'll likely post other completed characters for feedback later as well as more detail about the game.:)
Well, i am also practicing Clothing folds (enviroment/hardsurface modeler so its just something i am dabbling with). But i got a buddy who does nothing but characters with cloths; hes like the go to guy where he works.
He says that if it looks wrong, Flatting it. Folds and wrinkles are not ment to be round and smooth all the time. some times its just better to throw on some gravity, and sharpen up the folds, and then smooth them out later.
I am sort of butchering what he said. So i hope it at least gives you an idea of what road to look down.
I also started working on another character for the game but it still needs work and suggestions are appreciated. I'm especially concerned with the face and neck area. (the hair is a placeholder)