Hello everybody!
I am supposed to make LODs for guns and some environment objects. Now my question is if there is an efficient way in doing that other than completly reducing the poly/ vert count and re-unwrapping/ baking it. I believe there is a way to transfer texture information aswell, but I am not 100% sure about that, or would I have to retexture the LOD too
Anyways thanks alot in advance
When doing lods, have your texture applied to see the changes on the model when welding vertexes.
Sometimes having "preserve UVs" unticked works better, you gotta decide on the go.
I don't think there's a need for rebaking anything, you would then need different texture sets for different LODs, which would be inefficient.
Doesn't matter.
Remember that LODs are, most of the time anyway, simple versions of the mesh that will be seen from a distance, thats why they have much less detail. So yeah, its perfectly ok to just be cheap, preserve the UV's and pro optimize the mesh... You're not looking for clean lines and detail after all, you're looking for a cheaper version of the mesh that really does matter.
Rebaking and all that jazz, it defeats the point of a LOD model.
If it's that kind, imo you kind of need to do it manually to keep as good a fidelity as you can, because it might be all that someone sees on a crappy device.
This gives you a better idea on where to put your UV seams.
Also, when using LOD's its usually a better idea to force right angles into your UVs.
Thanks for the info, just echoing that applying the textures to the models then creating lod's helps a lot to see what distortion you'll get on your 'edited' lods, I manually just collapsed areas to retain the silhouette as much as I could.
Good thread.
It really pays to plan your UVs around the LOD mesh rather than the full res version.