Helu!, this is what i call reverse posting. Since I've start showing my models in the WAYWO thread, now i have created a separate thread for my work here :poly124:
I've started this model long time ago, then forgot about it and last December I've found it in a folder while doing maintenance on my hard drive. I decide to give it a chance. The main goal was just to create a HP model of the bike, without a driver, but after finishing the bike i decide to continue with the guy on top. Now i am planning to continue with the game asset, you know, Low Poly, UV, bakes, textures, export, etc.
Salud, and thanks for stopping by.
Just one thing,the position of the drivers shoulders and elbows seem a bit off,if i sit on my bike wich has a similar seating position,my elbows are a bit more outwards ,a bit more of an agressive pose i guess.The position on my bike keeps reminding me,to not "sag in" so keeping my shoulders back and my back straight,will prevent the driver from "sagging" .
In other words,elbows out,shoulders back,be a man!!
Beautiful modeling though, you nailed it in that aspect! Beautiful work so far
St.Sabath, i didn't think too much in the correct position at first, for me, this is a relaxed way of ride a bike any sunday morning since i don't have one or never ride one. I will change the position later when the Low Poly model is ready with skinning, Thanks.
Add3r, it could be because the position or the screenshot angle. As you can notice, i use a 6'0" (1,80mts) biped from 3dmax as a guide for the model and the pose. I will take a look later at home if i've changed something and didn't notice. Good catch, thank you.
Based on the type of bike i am building, i guess the best position is the last one
yea he needs to be leaning a tiny bit forward.. right now he looks like he's braking with his arms straight like that
Keep up the good work
Karmageddon, that... could be my next model... or not.
The low poly model is around 10k tris. I could make it lower, specially on the pants, remove some loops, etc. But i want this to look pretty good without too much compromise. So, i guess i will end up with a model around 13~15k with the helmet. Still good polycount for a hero character.
For the low poly y use a script called Max-Retopo, pretty neat and easy to use.
The UV's were done in 3dsmax using the standard unwrapper. Bakes the same, render to texture in 3dsmax. I still need to do some touchups to the normal map here and there.
EDIT: Sorry, i found i have the helmet duplicated, actual polycount is 12,200 tris.