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School Final HELP!!!

So I had this "somewhat elaborate" scene planned out for my senior project...unfortunately, much like other college students, I am running out of time and need to make my stuff look REALLY good! Here's this huge problem...two days ago my .upk file got corrupted somehow resulting in me loosing a s*** ton of work (models, textures, almost everything( except for a few models that i have recently worked on. One of them being my "hero" prop for my now vignette scene. It is suppose to be a 50's futuristic trolley suspended from the top (suspension not modeled out yet). I need some input on secondary detail (and possibly some primary as well). I will also be posting a few more props that survived the unfortunate corruption of my .upk file

This is my low poly...I am currently re-working the high poly as I lost that as well :(



  • Notes
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    Notes polycounter lvl 4
    What are you asking help on?? if its trying to fix the UDK package im afraid there's nothing we can do there.
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    BARDLER polycounter lvl 12
    Well that's why its a good idea to back up and save iterations as much as possible, and unfortunately people don't do it until they lose something.

    As for losing models and textures and stuff how is that possible? You should still have the modeling files, and texture flats to reimport into UDK.
  • RobbZ3D
    I don't need any UDK help...I save MULTIPLE iterations of my files and packages, my problem is that my most recent iterations are all corrupted somehow so now i have to go back and redo most of my .max files, but that's not what I need help with...what I need is new ideas for this train that I posted...

    Thanks fellas!
  • RobbZ3D
    Here are a few screens of some secondary detail work i did today and last night...I still need to add the final pieces of the overhead rail part that the train will be suspended from. I also want to add more secondary detail to the train. Any ideas and critiques are GREATLY accepted!!
  • miya-t
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    miya-t polycounter lvl 4
    Really like the vechicles design and the model great work keep it up.
  • RobbZ3D
    So here is version 3 (low poly model) of my 50's futuristic subway train. I realize that I did not label what was different from the early post but I will be doing that this time. I added the generator thingy to the top of the train (this will be the main power source for the rail brakes). I also added support beams to the top that attaches the train to the overhead rail system with a mega horn to the front support beam. I added a hood ornament as well (not sure if I'm going to keep it as it is nearly 250 tris itself!). Plus I made Cadillac style fins to the back to give it more of an automobile feel. Last, I put a few things on the back to help it not look so plain (I don't plan on giving much love to the back tho..). I still need to add something around the bottom of the train along the back portion as it is looking pretty boring right now...

    Let me know what you guys think...like I said, the only thing left really is a bottom accent piece then it's off to the high poly!!
  • RobbZ3D
    lol I STILL forgot to label all the new additions...oh well everything new is pretty obvious if you compare the new pics to the older post. Bare with me as I have very little time for anything other than this project
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