I had to turn my work around after a meeting with an art director in the summer, and either kill off weak pieces in my portfolio, or update them.
So i chose to update them, as I was still proud of them/emotionally attached.
Still not managed to get a junior job, despite a few good companies showing interest.
I also started Meredith Vickers/Charlize theron around the time I was interviewed at Geurilla.
Slightly image heavy!
Realtime shaders, very proud of this one:

"3dtotal excellence award" for handing it in to pdf magazine

All of the updated predator was screen-grabbed rather than rendered, as it shows a more accurate look in game-engine.


Please look over the new page, I tried to keep it simple and explain my work.
I'll certainly be keeping an eye out for your next thread, thanks for sharing
@ akacg: Gimli rendered in BPR in Zbrush, all others are screen-grabbed in 3dsmax, except the main prometheus image, mental ray.
Cheers guys!
Most of the features are there, but there's a few small things that throw everything else off. I made a small paintover guide here from the movie-still you based your render on. The angle of your render is a bit different and that does have an effect, so I've just marked off the main points in red.
side-note: does the helmet you made actuall fit the model? it looks like it's about 3 sizes too big here, but that may again be the render angle.
that all sounds really negative though, i really like your work otherwise!
So the inspiration from references became a schizophrenic mish mash.
And tbh I could probably improve massively in a week if I learnt from others in the industry, sitting here in a dark bedroom without money for tutorials is not conducive to new skill sets.
The whole "younger/sexier" thing is a valid (if subjective) point if your just going for a generic female model. But if your goal is to recreate a character from a specific source, like a movie, than that should be your primary source of reference. Actors looks can change dramatically from role-to-role and that can have a pretty big effect on your ability to sell the model as the character. Just sticking with Charlize, most of the time she looks like Charlize, but there's still subtle differences between say Aeon Flux, Hancock and Prometheus. But Pro is the one with the right age and makeup style that fits the character of M. Vickers. On the other hand you could do a perfect 1:1 of her from Monster and it would be unquestionably Charlize, but it still wouldn't be M. Vickers. (I'm going throigh the same thing with a Tugg Speedman model trying to find ref that has the right detail without being to old or fat/skinny).
Anyways hopefully that makes some kind of sense.
I should have spent more time creating a front/side high res reference image.
I'd say be a bit careful with the 3 point studio logo aswell, Im guessing its for the shader so might be best to pop 'shader' underneath maybe to avoid confusion.
Great work though, love Gimli
Just out of curiosity as a fellow Brit, did you have to fly out there for the interview or was it a phone/Skype interview?
Jeez 90 mins on the phone, I bet that was a strange experience :O That is good that they paid the flight etc, I was thinking it would be a lot of money to fork out if they didn't.
I use Wix for my website as well, if you pay £8 or £6 a month then you can get rid of their domain thing and all of the advertising stuff which would make it look more professional.
It would be cool if you could join in on some Google+ hangouts, there aren't enough of us Brit's on there at the moment!
The shit I hate most is when the HR people grill you in that awful way only HR people can, asking you things like "can you give an example of when you've overcome difficulties" or some vague shit like that, nothing makes my mind go more blank...
I would like to do more faces, but I dont think i stand to look at her face any longer
@ace: I had 3 interviews with different sets of people. the HR guy was fine, it was very relaxed. interview with 2 lead ch.artists was slightly tense, and they continued to play the game "guess what i'm thinking" by giving me random phrases and hoping i'd figure out the technical name for eg. certain muscles in the body.
Most questions I had neither heard of nor prepared for.
The final interviews with the art directors was basically super awkward and I froze.
Not relaxed enough for interviews ^_^.