How about making a game using Oculus Rift- but for a more adult audience? but not what you are thinking
I am thinking exploring other solar systems and far away planets and simluting what they may look like, underwater exploration, Titanic or be onboard as it hits the iceberge, Maybe watching a real Gladator Battle/ taking part?
I still play games as much as possible. Perhaps I have not matured to the degree of others since while game-playing I have, a game dev job I do not.
What I miss is when I was young I just did WHATEVER and game-playing, art-making and all the other shenanigans and I didn't care about how or why I did. Now I am overwhelmed with indecision. Every time I now how to consider my choices: it's not longer a matter of do any/all of the things I want but to choose games OR art OR movies OR friends OR work.
I am thinking exploring other solar systems and far away planets and simluting what they may look like, underwater exploration, Titanic or be onboard as it hits the iceberge, Maybe watching a real Gladator Battle/ taking part?
Flight sims will be cool
Also this is a shot from Crysis 3 of the Titanic
What I miss is when I was young I just did WHATEVER and game-playing, art-making and all the other shenanigans and I didn't care about how or why I did. Now I am overwhelmed with indecision. Every time I now how to consider my choices: it's not longer a matter of do any/all of the things I want but to choose games OR art OR movies OR friends OR work.
and I don't get any satisfaction from any of it.