I kinda took a break from all the hardsurface modeling and I wanted to look into making stuff for environments. So I just decided to make a quik brick floor texture
Here is the HP:

Here is the bake with the first texture pass:

I took the texture into an engine and it doesnt tile correctly

But i know what I did wrong and next time imma make sure to actually test the tiling before I bake

Thanks in advance

Would you mind posting images of your texture so we could get a more technical idea of whats going on?
Nice normal map though. Your moving in the right direction. Keep it up!
Thanks for the feedback! Here are textures.
I tried to brighten up the dark spots a little bit.
Also adding is some blueish highlights to your spec will really help your stone material.
Lowering the opacity of the AO also lowers the strength of the midtones: and sometimes you are only interested in correcting the shadows (or highlights) of a layer. Just a small tip.