I love simulations, I'm in.
I'm going to go with a scooby gang type female detective/meddling kid. Sneaking around with stylish clothes.
Final entry;
This is the maximum I could output for the contest. Only half finished unfortunately. I never managed wrap my head around how to save my simulation, well it did save gigs of files, but I never was able to make houdini read those files. So All I have is this test render that took four days to simulate. Since houdini wouldn't read the simulation, and I didn't have enough spare time to render the sim for another four days. I'm stuck with this. Time to move on. Good luck to all of you, hoping to see some awesome finished stuff.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-XXneL5b4Zk"]Mixamo/Houdini Contest entry - YouTube[/ame]

Make sure to click the register button on the official page and provide at least your name, WIP post URL, and Mixamo login or associated email.
That way, we can make sure you have free access to Mixamo and Houdini services for your contest project.
First update, I used an old basemesh of mine, and did the anatomy pass. For the costume I think I'm going to give her an empire cut dress that ends above the knees, a cape/coat, small boots, and the necessary handbag.
Little update, did her shoes, and worked on the dress. I'll probably add the coat next. I'm trying not to go too complicated with the folds and textures, since I know they're going to be simulated later. A painted in fold going the opposite of a simed one, will likely look bad. Once everything is in place I'll try to render things out in Houdini to see how it looks, and cranks things up if needed.
Worked on the overcoat/cape a bit.
and it looks good!
this looks like it would be an awesome clothing simulation!
@TeriyakiStyle I totally agree about the face, I have a tendency to sculpt harsh features when I sculpt, the eyebrows in particular. I'll soften things down. About the legs, she'll wear tights, if I can get a Fresnel effect working, it should look nice. But it will be done via textures, so it won't show up yet.
Can't tell exactly, but I don't think the shape of the ear is right. Still dig the cute design!
Fresnel is view-dependent though, so it can't just be baked/a texture thing, in case that's what you meant. [edit] Oh, you probably meant the pattern for the tights, not the fresnel.
reminds me of this:
@Dryulya ^^
Worked on the texturing some more, now that everything is blocked out, I think it's missing something, so I think I'm going to give her some gloves.
It's a much better model than I'll have for this competition, but that sure is a big red sheet she's wearing.
@TeriyakiStyle : A cape clasped at the neck would be a nice solution, thanks. I'll try it out.
Little update, made tweaks to the face for a cuter younger look. Made some new shoes, and added a flower to her hair. And there's a little mock up idea for a cape. Cloth simed ribbons!
Her eye area looks a bit strange to me; I don't know if it's the lighting, but the bags seem more accentuated than I'd expect them to be on a younger girl. I don't know if that's what you were aiming for, as I always thought of the Scooby Doo type characters being bright and chirpy.
@Elyaradine I took the eye socket shadow waydown during my lunch break. It's not from the lighting, it's in the texture. It got baked in with the ao or something, and I just never touched it before today. It should look better in my next wip shot.
Little update on the texture. Mostly the eyebrows are new, and a lot of tweaking.
whoa, even the shoes impress me!
this will give an awesome cloth simulation!
I'm pretty much done I think with this part, everything is pretty much in place. I'm going to spend the next couple of weeks learning Houdini. I'm going to use the beauty shot for that. That way, I get to learn how to import a model, apply the shaders, cloth sim from the t-pose to the beauty pose, and finally light and render it. Pretty much everything I need for the animation. That's pretty much it for this month. I'll have two weeks in march to to simulate and render the animation so even if it takes forever to render I should have enough time.