Does anyone know an easy way to copy the vertex color information from the red channel to the alpha channel in maya? (maybe sombody knows/has a script or something?) I could do it by hand, but that takes ages...
I don't think there is an easy way to do it ... you are probably going to have to bake a map out (hopefully your UVs are not overlapping) and then transfer it to the channel of your choosing.
Ill try and take a stab at it tomorrow. You can query vertex colors so something that you can do is query the red channel and just assign to second mesh since it'll have the same vert'id count.
Here, I put comments so you see how it works in case you want to pull blue and put in alpha or something... Tested on Maya 2010...
//Your Selection Mode, we want verts
PolySelectConvert 3;
string $myVerts[]=`ls -sl -fl`;
for ($vert in $myVerts){
select $vert;
//We are getting Float values from the red "r" channel, that last item means red btw...
float $targetAlp[] = `polyColorPerVertex -q -r`;
//We pick out the alpha and apply the red to each one, this is slow on large objects....
polyColorPerVertex -a $targetAlp[0];
I don't think there is an easy way to do it ... you are probably going to have to bake a map out (hopefully your UVs are not overlapping) and then transfer it to the channel of your choosing.