You know. Been following this tread a bit now and haven't installed the software myself "yet". But i was curious about something and wonder if any of you guys can give a clear answer on it.
If you "purchase" anything online. Are you then bound by the laws from your own country or the country that the company you are buying from is located?
Simple reason i'm asking this is because where i live companies are obligated to sell what they advertise as they advertise. So if they by accident for example advertise a 100euro product for 50euros it's just tough luck but they are obligated to sell it for that price they advertised. Meaning that if the law application is local to the receiving end then it would mean that at least for where i live it's completely legal to use this as is advertized. Remember it's full open to public and no mention what so ever about any rules or limitations. And yes i don't count any blog or forum post you are never required to read as anything i should take into account here.
You know. Been following this tread a bit now and haven't installed the software myself "yet". But i was curious about something and wonder if any of you guys can give a clear answer on it.
If you "purchase" anything online. Are you then bound by the laws from your own country or the country that the company you are buying from is located?
Simple reason i'm asking this is because where i live companies are obligated to sell what they advertise as they advertise. So if they by accident for example advertise a 100euro product for 50euros it's just tough luck but they are obligated to sell it for that price they advertised. Meaning that if the law application is local to the receiving end then it would mean that at least for where i live it's completely legal to use this as is advertized. Remember it's full open to public and no mention what so ever about any rules or limitations. And yes i don't count any blog or forum post you are never required to read as anything i should take into account here.
It really depends on if the company has a physical presence in your country. They can't impose law on a company that doesn't reside within their borders. They may have to abide by certain trade agreements if their nation is a member of any relevant treaty. In any case, it's best you ask an expert.
tgz: yup! I'm trying it out for a possible upgrade at work, and it's nice. I'm having trouble with it screwing up my alt-tab, but if I could fix that, I'd recommend cs6 to anyone. The new vector stuff alone would have saved me a lot of time just a few weeks ago. Wish I knew back then!
edit: oh, and in addition to autosave, what I find much more important: it saves on a seperate thread, meaning you can keep working. Photoshop does not freeze up when saving even large files, in my experience.
So, for people that work in studios, is most of the software provided ~3/4 years old?
We're running CS5.5 at work. We have a subscription but the upgrade introduced so many show-stopping problems that for now we've mostly reverted.
The only CS6 apps we use are Photoshop/Illustrator, which have been great. AE/Flash have some terrible bugs with SWF files. (Symbols dissapear, the last frame of sequences are dropped).
We're running CS5.5 at work. We have a subscription but the upgrade introduced so many show-stopping problems that for now we've mostly reverted.
The only CS6 apps we use are Photoshop/Illustrator, which have been great. AE/Flash have some terrible bugs with SWF files. (Symbols dissapear, the last frame of sequences are dropped).
How bout for things like 3ds Max and Maya? What about things that have free upgrades like zbrush? What's the upgrade cycle like anyways, once every new project?
I know there is a lot of places who won't be upgrading 3ds max etc for a long time, because they are not just depended on the program but also all the tools made for it, and might have been made inhouse, and would need to be updated first.
We're running CS5.5 at work. We have a subscription but the upgrade introduced so many show-stopping problems that for now we've mostly reverted.
The only CS6 apps we use are Photoshop/Illustrator, which have been great. AE/Flash have some terrible bugs with SWF files. (Symbols dissapear, the last frame of sequences are dropped).
besides a couple of cool features CS6 does have quite a few new bugs, mostly strange alpha sorting issues i ran into.
How bout for things like 3ds Max and Maya? What about things that have free upgrades like zbrush? What's the upgrade cycle like anyways, once every new project?
were using Maya 2012, I wouldn't dare upgrade a 3D app mid production. That's just asking for pain. Cycle depends on the department. generally its put off as long as possible, upgrading is never 100% positive.
Adobe corporate style!
Hey sexy layer mask!
Adobe corporate style!
If you "purchase" anything online. Are you then bound by the laws from your own country or the country that the company you are buying from is located?
Simple reason i'm asking this is because where i live companies are obligated to sell what they advertise as they advertise. So if they by accident for example advertise a 100euro product for 50euros it's just tough luck but they are obligated to sell it for that price they advertised. Meaning that if the law application is local to the receiving end then it would mean that at least for where i live it's completely legal to use this as is advertized. Remember it's full open to public and no mention what so ever about any rules or limitations. And yes i don't count any blog or forum post you are never required to read as anything i should take into account here.
It really depends on if the company has a physical presence in your country. They can't impose law on a company that doesn't reside within their borders. They may have to abide by certain trade agreements if their nation is a member of any relevant treaty. In any case, it's best you ask an expert.
Wait.. it was done on Photoshop CS2? Masterpiece!!!
also you dont need an adobe id just get the whoe thing here
Shows up as Eurostile for me. I forgotten I had that font installed!
Wait what!?!? CS6 Has auto save built in?
edit: oh, and in addition to autosave, what I find much more important: it saves on a seperate thread, meaning you can keep working. Photoshop does not freeze up when saving even large files, in my experience.
We're running CS5.5 at work. We have a subscription but the upgrade introduced so many show-stopping problems that for now we've mostly reverted.
The only CS6 apps we use are Photoshop/Illustrator, which have been great. AE/Flash have some terrible bugs with SWF files. (Symbols dissapear, the last frame of sequences are dropped).
How bout for things like 3ds Max and Maya? What about things that have free upgrades like zbrush? What's the upgrade cycle like anyways, once every new project?
besides a couple of cool features CS6 does have quite a few new bugs, mostly strange alpha sorting issues i ran into.
were using Maya 2012, I wouldn't dare upgrade a 3D app mid production. That's just asking for pain. Cycle depends on the department. generally its put off as long as possible, upgrading is never 100% positive.