I'm in.
After much deep and profound brain things inside my head, I am about 80% certain I'd like to go with a greek warrior. Kind of a cross between Leonidas and Achilles as portrayed in each's respected films, although that's pending, given there isn't a suited animation in their library or I think of something I like better.
Comments and critiques are welcomed and appreciated!
Most recent update:

Ha! Funny you might say that! We just so happen to be working on some new motions to add to the collection that you might find quite fitting for your warrior... /hinthint
@MRJONES: Hey thanks man! I really appreciate that alot! Good to see "pumpkin girl" getting some love. You had a really solid model and concept last time around as well, it would be good to see you join if you hadn't already planned to. Did you ever do any more work to it post-contest?
Alright now to business.
Day 1 of concept. Not much, just playing with colors and big shapes:
Make sure to click the register button on the official page and provide at least your name, WIP post URL, and Mixamo login or associated email.
That way, we can make sure you have free access to Mixamo and Houdini services for your contest project.
Heavily contemplating switching gears to possibly a westrn outlaw concept... more clothing options, though we shall see.
Next up: the head and eyes...
but i think the proportions of the head could be slightly more "brutal" or "badass".
like a real killer-gladiator
Been a busy week, but I have done some work. Nothing too spectacular yet. Hoping to finish the torso by the end of the week.
Here's what we got going into the weekend. Time to hit those arms:
Well I was able to begin texturing the arms and while there is still more to do, I figured I'd post:
and i think you should try to improve the proportion of your character ,check some of the warrior models in zbrush gallery and there r some spartan models you can use them us reference and try to find the wow factor because right now he is really easy too forget.
im a noob my self so i hope this will help you push your model to the next level good luck
I know that could be deliberate, but since it also looks like the top of the vambrace is going to make moving the elbows kind of um, painful, I figure you may have a little wiggle room there.
you may want to pay attention to the hands. It seems to me it looks too flat, the the thickness of the tip of the finger shouldn't be as big as the one for the root of the palm for exemple, except if your looking for a more stylized hand, but I don't think it will fit with the rest of the body. Also pay attention to the distance between where the thumb meet the palm and the root of the other fingers ... your's is too short, just look at your hand.
I hope it can help, good luck
your char is coming along man keep at it
@Ziemanskye: Thanks, your honesty is valued. If you go to the first page, I have a base sculpt of the character and with the tunic out of the way, though they could stand to be a bit longer, it should be ok.
@Guedin: Thanks. I'll see what I can do about rounding out the fingers as it may be subtle enough to do without doing any damage. Thanks for the input on the thumb. I did a comparison and you're right.
@Vivi_ZA: Blender Internal. Personally I like it as it gives really good artistic results. Not the best for realism though. Thanks for the encouragement!
Good luck to you all!
Have you tried uploading your character to Mixamo yet? Any ideas what actions you plan on giving him?
@nacertag:Thank you.
@Senor_Chewy: Thanks. I was originally planning a mock "300" set up but after running a test on the cloth sim and discovering it takes 8 min on my laptop to bake one frame of collision I will have to rethink my plan to something drastically shorter.
Good luck with Houdini!