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Models for my SciFi Game

polycounter lvl 5
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Prodigga polycounter lvl 5
Hey guys, just going to use this thread as a dump for any 3d assets that I develop for my current game.

The game has no name at the moment. I can give you an idea as to how it'll look and play by telling you that it is similar to Sim City, but in space :)

I have been programming away for days, trying to create a path-finding system that meets my needs for this type of game (only just scratching the surface!). I figured I could take my mind off things by doing some art. I am not very good at traditional art (drawing, painting) so my texturing is not the greatest but I am fairly happy with my modelling. It is all self though (I studied as a games programmer) so any tips will be appreciated!

This first one is what I refer to as a Surgelane (Think Tradelane if you have had the pleasure of playing Freelancer before) It is a building that creates a high-speed travel corridor between 2 points. You can only enter the corridor from either one of these nodes as these nodes are what accelerate the ships. The design takes heavy inspiration from Terran buildings (From Starcraft). Bellow is a picture of one-half of the node.
You can click here to play around with a turntable version, ingame. Left and Right click to rotate model. Middle mouse to rotate camera and scroll to zoom.

I have rendered the Ambient Occlusion and have applied that as the diffuse. (first time baking maps, it seems pretty easy). I am also using an emission map for the lights. The lights will turn green when the node is active, and red when it has been de-activated. The node can be de-activated if it is sabotaged by pirate raiders (who may be trying to raid space merchants that are using the Surgelanes). I feel the particle effects are really weak, and I will look for a better alternative after I texture.


  • Prodigga
    Offline / Send Message
    Prodigga polycounter lvl 5
    I have unwrapped the surgelane building and now I begin texturing. Going to be a wild ride, haha. Man I hate texturing. I feel the unwrapping went really well.

  • sondrebot
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    sondrebot polycounter lvl 5
    Before you start your texturing, I would seriously consider to edit the UV's... You have alot of wasted space. Many of the smaller pieces could be fitted into the empty spaces inbetween the bigger pieces.

    Also, you should consider making a high poly and render out a normal map. It will give it some more detail.

    The model and topology itself looks faily decent tho ;) Looking forward to see how this turns out.
  • Prodigga
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    Prodigga polycounter lvl 5
    Thanks for the feed back. I used blenders pack-island tool and didn't think much of it. i went ahead and did it manually, im much happier with it!

    I will have a play around with overlaying a higher poly ontop of it next.

  • Timidy
    So what would be the best way to make the hi poly? Export to Zbrush/sculpt app and make it there? Cause adding more edges and creating detail at this point for a hi poly would be difficult, especially if you don't have the details already designed and drawn on paper. At least with ZBrush you can make it up as you go and make changes as you see fit on-the-fly.
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