I got some artifacts after my light bake.
Now, I know there is no such thing about a perfect light bake, but in my scene I have a dominant directional light for the sun and a directional light with all shadows turned off for a fill light, I also checked off Dynamic for the fill light.
The light maps are very large 1024 and there are these strange low rez looking artifacts.
One more thing, is it okay to mix dominant lights with non-dominant lights?

Btw this is the reference I have been using, this is the overall style for lighting I have been trying to achieve, exept I have a evening lighting situation going on instead, I suppose the picture is more of a guideline,
I just thought dusk looked better.

You need to either increase the lightmap resolution on everything or turn off the DXT compression on the lightmaps.
k by DXT compression do you mean the compression settings? because in the properties there is nothing called DXT compression.
go into the baseLightMass.ini file in your UDK>engine>config folder
now set bAllowLightmapCompression=false
then rebuild lighting.
the Engine folder has no such folder called config, neither does the UDKgame folder.
Really? It should be there. Are you sure you're looking in the right place?
yes the folder titled Engine contains one folder called Content.
That is weird.
Config, Content, Editor Resources, Extras, Localization, Shaders, Stats. You should be able to see all of those folders in Engine folder. Make a search for baselightmass in your computer and see where it shows up.
all folders seem to be there except for the Config folder
I was searching in my content browser for it, but someone told me I need to find it in my hard drive.
Its way cleaner a job then I thought.
I did not realize though I had to open up a file and literally tamper with the script inside.
This is related to my topic: https://polycount.com/discussion/207475/lighting-artifacts-on-indirect-lighting-help-udk#latest