Hello everyone,
So I'm currently a student in 3D Animation and at the point where I am in my formation, I have enough knowledge to go on my own for my personnal projects. To this end, I currently have one in my head which would be quite awesome, but I just can't begin it without having a defined idea of the tools I'll have to use.
Basically my project will be relatively simple. It'll be a portrait of an older self in a very realistic way, where I'll basically transpose a school project, where we had to do ourselves, into the medieval time. To this end, I'd have to give myself long hair & small facial hair, a bit like
this. Since the final illustration would probably be quite close to the character face, I'm looking for a high quality tool; I know some are using maya (which I never used yet), but I heard of some 3DS Plugins like Hair Farm. What would be the best?
EDIT: Forgot to say the tools that I'm working with atm:
•Zbrush (for the high-rez character modelling)
and use splines to style the hair and not the comping tools...
if you have some money give ornatirx a try...
Yeah, I've been using Hair & Fur with splines since a little while actually and I have to say it's quite interesting; however up to now the renders I've been having, particularly in vray, are quite un-realistic. The fact that ornatirx seems compatible with v-ray is interesting, but it's a bit out of my budget. I'll try to see if there's a student version or something close to it. In case I can't get ornatrix to a respectable price, would there be some alternatives?