This is really nice so far, any break downs on your lighting, my scene is really lacking i think in this department and would be nice to see how you set up your lighting and emissive lights
@ akirasan88; TheGoozah; KennyTies; Clos323; Dubzski. Hey guys, thanks for the kind words, it keeps me motivated.
@ Camrat; I'll post up a screenshot of my lighting setup tonight or tomorrow. The emissive maps are just flat diffuse textures with the glow cranked up, nothing fancy. I also adjusted the bloom a bit to help bring out the atmosphere. Also, make sure to add a bit of fog for atmosphere.
-So, I got some time this weekend to work on the texturing. I wanted to learn dDo and let me say, it's an amazing texturing tool, it speeds things up so much, I highly recommend checking it out.
At this point I'm wanting to move on to another piece, so I'm calling this one done for now.
Came out awesome as expected man! Really great work on everything! Saved to inspiration folder!
Keep up the great work! Keen to see your next project^^
Some areas have so many trims yet they don't look too busy at all.
And love I those ceiling panels in the corridor since they really look functional.
@AkiRa, hey, what's up man, glad I could inspire you, you've inspired me quite a bit too. I'll keep a lookout for your new stuff as well.
@Orb Thanks; show your friends at Blizzard if you don't mind.
@efreak, Thanks! Please show your friends at Crytek. I so would love to work with you guys.
@breakneck Is that you Rusty? I miss you, it's not the same with you gone...
@Blaisoid; I'll try and put up some breakdowns and lighting setups. You can see some of my initial progress on the first page. I'm so busy it can be hard to get around to it, but I'll do it, I promise.
@foosart; The next gen is coming up man (or is it already here?), gone are the days of faceted cylinders. :poly142: That was one thing I wanted to do with this piece, no blocky looking, low poly game arty look, I wanted to get as close to cinematic quality as possible. (I hope I achieved that).
Thanks for the kind words, it motivates me. :thumbup:
@ Dtschultz, Moushine Adnani, and.... PoopSock (I'm scared to know what that means); thanks guys for the kind words.
Love your lighting in Halo 4 PoopSock, it definitely inspired me.
one thing you can do to save yourself from going into the time of day editor is simply dragging a visArea around the entire scene. The VisArea is in the Areas Menu in the first tab of the roll-up bar and simply shuts out all the lighting information from the day light system (and can also be used to go from inside areas to outside areas seamlessley ).
@e-freak. Thanks. Looking into it again, I do have a visArea around my scene. I was just using the TOD editor to adjust the fog. I've heard about Fog volumes but for some reason I can't get them to work. I'm not sure if I'm just not using them correctly or they aren't in use anymore.
@ Camrat; I'll post up a screenshot of my lighting setup tonight or tomorrow. The emissive maps are just flat diffuse textures with the glow cranked up, nothing fancy. I also adjusted the bloom a bit to help bring out the atmosphere. Also, make sure to add a bit of fog for atmosphere.
-So, I got some time this weekend to work on the texturing. I wanted to learn dDo and let me say, it's an amazing texturing tool, it speeds things up so much, I highly recommend checking it out.
At this point I'm wanting to move on to another piece, so I'm calling this one done for now.
Keep up the great work! Keen to see your next project^^
-thats white trash slang for good job!
Some areas have so many trims yet they don't look too busy at all.
And love I those ceiling panels in the corridor since they really look functional.
some asset breakdowns PLZ?
Great work.
@Orb Thanks; show your friends at Blizzard if you don't mind.
@efreak, Thanks! Please show your friends at Crytek. I so would love to work with you guys.
@breakneck Is that you Rusty? I miss you, it's not the same with you gone...
@Blaisoid; I'll try and put up some breakdowns and lighting setups. You can see some of my initial progress on the first page. I'm so busy it can be hard to get around to it, but I'll do it, I promise.
@foosart; The next gen is coming up man (or is it already here?), gone are the days of faceted cylinders. :poly142: That was one thing I wanted to do with this piece, no blocky looking, low poly game arty look, I wanted to get as close to cinematic quality as possible. (I hope I achieved that).
Thanks for the kind words, it motivates me. :thumbup:
Love your lighting in Halo 4 PoopSock, it definitely inspired me.
I took some screencaps from the editor, the images are 1920x1200. You can enlarge them to see the text settings.
It's 9 images total.
one thing you can do to save yourself from going into the time of day editor is simply dragging a visArea around the entire scene. The VisArea is in the Areas Menu in the first tab of the roll-up bar and simply shuts out all the lighting information from the day light system (and can also be used to go from inside areas to outside areas seamlessley
Great work
@INtelQ9550Reaktor. Thanks.
@Skillminster. Glad to help, now go make something awesome.