I put a write up of my process, scroll down on page 3 and you'll see it. It starts at comment
Thanks for all the positive feedback.

Update 4/22/2013:
I got around to the final texture pass this weekend. I used a mixture of handpainting and dDO.
dDO is amazing, once you get the hang of it, it's invaluable for texturing.
I think at this point I'm going to call this done. I want to move on to another portfolio piece.

I got some free time over the break and decided that I'd take a stab at some personal work. I want to learn the Cryengine a bit better, so, why not actually make something with it...
Here's my moodboard. I'm going with an underground bunker. I'm not trying to copy the concepts exactly, I'm leaning towards a mix of different ideas. I might actually make this Sci-Fi or go with the more grimey look. I haven't quite decided yet.

I love the sculpted welding, but wouldn't it be easier to do that in Photoshop with nDo?
Sure, it might be easier, but I get more accurate results by doing the hi-poly. Also, I find it's a lot harder to capture those nice chamfered edges with NDo.
I do plan on using NDO and dDO though once I begin the final texturing phase. :poly121:
The first image is the flat model.
The second image is just the flat diffuse.
The third is with the normals and POM turned on.
(The lighting is just me messing around, I'm still debating on what the final look should be...)
Ps. and of course subscribed.
I just baked a height map out of XNormal.
There's a checkbox in the Cryengine that says turn on POM (in the material editor).
It's really simple to do...
Here's a tutorial explaining how to do it:
Baking from a hi-poly really makes a difference. :thumbup:
WIP 2:
Oh yeah, textures were just me quickly running my normals through NDo2. Lighting is temporary too.
I'm still being blown away by the Crydev engine, I'm loving it so far...
Keep it up!
Ya know, I didn't even know that Crydev had their own gallery, thanks for the info.
I plan on using a bit of DDO and Cryblend next...
Thanks man!
I ended up firing my Welder. He showed up drunk half the time and I know he had a thing for my wife... :poly142: Sloppy welding rod all over the place, makes me so mad...
The next guy you hire should make clean beads like this.
If you want the brush here it is ^ I see it only fitting you get first dibs since you where the one that inspired me to make this brush.
I hear some people are having trouble to get the brush to work
I included the alfa in this DL so hopefully you can apply it to a standard brush to get it to work
sorry for the inconvenience in advance
HP; What up! I've been watching your Eat3d videos, thanks for kind words, thanks for the videos.
@Spahr. Good eye! Didn't see that, I'll crank them up for my next set of screenshots. Thanks for being a fan. :thumbup:
@Havoc Thanks for the kind words, I've been following some of your stuff too, very inspirational
@Oddeyes Thanks man!
Dude, no way! Thanks, I'll download this when I get off work tonight.
I've been interviewing Welders all week... Building Bunkers is hard work. :poly142:
(now get some sleep
I got around to working some more on this over the weekend. I mainly just messed with lighting and atmosphere. I plan on putting in some more details and doing a final texture / decal pass when I get some free time.
This really comes together! I like the lighting so far! Everything's top notch!
I can't find anything to crit
Keep it up!
@ AKiRA, Vielen Dank! I'm at the fun part now. I love lighting and atmosphere, it's like icing the cake.
@ PogoP, I actually found those ribbed wall things from a google search. Stalin had a bunker built during the cold war that since has been turned into a night club (I might be wrong on that last part, it looks like a bar or something like that...). Anyway, I thought they would be a cool way to catch the lighting as well as making the walls more interesting from the standard walls in the concept. I like to take bits and pieces from different concepts/reference when making environments and mix them together.
@ Serriffe, Thanks, I'm glad to see you're liking the process, it's been a lot of fun so far.