I have decided to start a sketchbook style thread to track my improvement sculpting characters and get some feedback to improve my work.
These are a few pieces I have worked on lately:

I have started detailing the orc character-the hands and feet need a lot of work still.
The most noticeable thing so far is how off balance he is. This character would have trouble just standing up let alone walking. You seem to be going for a hunch back look, but he's not actually bending his back which causes his center of mass to be located in the wrong spot entirely imho. You could address these things by altering his pose but ultimately I think he will just end up looking awkward. I would suggest adjusting his proportions a bit and shortening his neck/making it a bit more upright.
I'd also look at various body builders to see how muscles grow when worked out, Think of what actions your orc might do on a regular basis and try to give his arms that look.
The sternomastoid actually connects to the sternum, not the clavicle.
Also the " trap tucked under the deltoid" I think you are referring to the terra major.
*edit : eeek miss read that u said lat, not trap, my bad
This is off the top of my head, so I could be wrong
Looking good but!
I think the pectoral muscles could do with being larger, or at least having a more rounded form. At the moment they are quite flat, which looks a bit strange when compared to the enormous shoulders.
After getting a bunch of great feedback on the anatomy I went ahead and adjusted the character quite a bit since the last update. I am still working on the musculature/anatomy and I will be doing another sketch of the anatomy over the character. I am also going to continue to refine the musculature of sculpt but here is what it is looking like now:
@artquest- Thanks for the critique
@DashXero- I took a look at the character from Kingdom of Fire and dropped to the lowest subdivision and quickly moved things around to see what he would look like with a bit more ape-like characteristics. I really didn’t like how the orc-ape was looking at that point so I decided to go back and fix the posture instead. Thank you for taking the time to write up a critique.
@praetor187- Thanks :)I definitely tried to give her soft features and those “bedroom eyes.”
@codyaq2- lol my handwriting is rather atrocious I almost avoided posting that muscle study because of it. I definitely was wrong about the sternomastoid. I am working on learning anatomy so I am glad you pointed that out.
@RobSamuel – Thanks for the feedback. I gave the pectorals more volume/rounded form.
Also, little things can distract from what you are trying to convey or get feedback on. Things like -- he's looking out into space -- so maybe tilt his head down a bit, and because he has no teeth he looks like he's yawning. Its hard for us to not pick up on the really distracting things that aren't "finished" or planned out yet. You'll get more helpful feedback if we can see what you're going for I think. try to capture the entirety of an idea even if it's just a general shape or placeholder objects that help sell the overall composition.
Here is another anatomy study I did for this project:
And this is just for fun: The Evolution of the Orc
@Lombos- I agree I feel the orc did lose some of the character/ unique quality found in the first version but hopefully I’ll be able to bring some of that back into this sculpt as the project evolves.
@artquest- I’ll keep that in mind when posting works for crit.
It has been almost a year since I started on my quest to learn 3D modeling and gain the skills I need to become a character artist. So I decided now would be a good time to compile a bunch of screen shots of various pieces I have worked on in the last year. I am a bit embarrassed to be showing some of them but it really shows how much I have improved in the last year.