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My old website started giving malware warnings when clicking on links to it with some browsers. I deleted the site and bodged together a new one with a wordpress template. I know pretty much sod all about making websites so I just got something basic put together. Now my new one is giving malware warnings too *the one linked in my sig*, but I don't have the faintest idea of now to fix this. Do I need to get my host (dreamhost) to do something, or do I have to access the files through the ftp and scan them somehow....or...something else?
Any help would be appreciated as the site is essentially useless as is
Maybe give that a run? You can scan both Public FTP and Web(HTTP) and mail usually
So either something being injected (but don't think so tbh) or just a bit of funky code messing with the crawlers/spiders or whatever they're called.
Alternatively, are you linking to other websites on your own? And/or are you linking/using an image or file not hosted on your own server?
Here are the 3 sites causing the issue:,,
It's been almost a month since the last google-checkup, so maybe they're gone?
Cheers Ace, I'm trying to see what to do about those links.
Thanks for the link m4dcow. That might be relevant, but I was getting a similar problem with my old site (which I'd made myself in dreamweaver) which is why I took that one down.
I'm currently going through the google webmaster stuff to try to track down the issues and get a review done.
@Adam- I'm not linking to anything outside the site, it's all stuff I uploaded.
@Drew - I don't see cpanel but I'll dig through and see if there is some virus scanner I can use.
[ame=""]HTML Tutorial - Simple Portfolio - YouTube[/ame]
^ All the sites I build and maintain, I use that tool to check occasionally, great tool, had one site that kept getting infected (incompetent hosts with poor security, changed hosts and the problem dissappeared) - sucuri stopped picking up the malware, but it was still present, had a live chat to them, gave them the malware code that was injected, they updated their definitions, and got picked up again. Really recommend it.
Man! Thanks so much for that link. I have been looking for something like this for ages! Big Thanks!
wooo! my site is clean
anyway, i think with things like this, it's one of those "don't trust the internet". if it's important enough to stake your reputation and wellbeing on (your portfolio is a direct link to those two things), then it's important enough to do it yourself!
trusting the internet to do it for you is just... not good. and learning html isn't all that difficult if it's just for something like a portfolio. you don't need all the bells and whistles or really diving into epic code.
And I learned a bit of html today