Nothing too exciting, but I thought I'd get on with something I've always avoided: making a model of a gun.
I decided to keep the tri count below 5000, it's at 4740 right now and using a SPEC, DIFF and NRM all at 1024x1024.
The aim texture-wise is to create everything by hand and maybe use self sourced photography (for the wooden handle).
I'm just looking for any general feedback really, (Ignore the jumbled mess that is the handle, I'm sorting that within 2 days) should have it complete within this week If I work on it a little every day.
I'll get a turntable up when the textures are more complete, since there's some SPEC work you can only see in movement.
A scratch here, a scratch there, a more wooden handle too.

Did you make sure to use a cage?
The handle was the result of the model being changed after unwrapping.
No normal baking for me with this, It's all gonna be crazy bump.
I'm going to render a turntable, just to show the specular definition a bit better.
Although what looks grey on my PC screen looks closer to black on my iPad.
Just checked it out, that looks utterly fantastic!
Although I'll be sticking with crazy bump for now, because I want to make sure I have a firm grip on using it to it's full potential.
I appreciate the feedback and I'll definitely be baking In future models, to try and nail that too.
I was wondering this myself, It's a phone charm, which are pretty small...but you're right, the gun itself is tiny.
I'll have a play and see what I can do, I really appreciate the feedback!
A quick turntable to show the spec a little better, the video didn't upload in as high quality as I'd hoped and fraps recorded it a lot darker than it is on my screen, but hopefully it gets the point across.
I also changed the hello kitty logo to a sticker, as I think it works better.
Objectively, I think the paint drips are hurting the model. Because we all know how large water streaks are, to see the paint streak down from three different locations, that stamp would have to be roughly the size of a hand. It's very obviously an image that was stamped on with no real thought to scale.
Also, I've seen a lot of guns with paint stamps like that but I've never personally seen streaking paint. It makes sense if it's done by a kid and spray paint though. Do you have any reference to show how you ended up where you did?
EDIT: I think one of the biggest things hurting your final render is the lighting. It looks like you have a single light source above that cause certain angles of your weapon to be in complete shadow. Are you familiar with the three point light setup? A strong white light in the back for rim lighting, plus a warm and a cool light in front that illuminates the model and compliments it. Personally, I've found that the location and saturation of the warm/cool lights varies from model to model but the point is to make sure it looks nice; I never use Marmoset's default sky light. Here's an image that does a poor job of illustrating depth but hopefully illustrates the point.
The charm and stamp are what I'd do given a gun, I like the idea of a weapon having inappropriately 'cute' stuff on it for some bizarre reason.
The paint stamp was supposed to look as if it was a rushed half assed attempt, but I've decided against it and given a sticker instead.
For the lighting I had a two point setup, one blue one orange, only the orange was working...I've tried a 3 point setup (where all the lights seem to function) and It's definitely helped. Oh and in regards to marmoset, I only used that to render the wireframe, everything else is UDK.
Still a way to go, but I think It's better.
I need to find some proper references for the clip, I just know It's not right.
Totally get what you're saying, I think I wanted to make it 'mine' before it was complete, I'll bear that in mind in future.
Added a scratch here and there and made the handle actually look wooden. Haven't been able to dedicate as much time as I'd liked to this due to christmas etc, but I think I'll knuckle down this weekend and get far enough to call It complete.