Indie game the movie is worth it if you haven't seen it yet, as well as Binding of Isaac, Binding of Isaac also has great music (I'm surprised they don't have its soundtrack). Does anyone know much about the EFF? I'm not sure how much I want to give them.
Dude. I just fucked up. Uhhhh.... I thought those were links to separate steam keys, but the same copy of the bundle (like they do sometimes). Not three completely different bundles. Sent all three to my email. Immediately noticed my mistake.
So, I hope it's cool to post the steam keys?
The Binding of Isaac + Wrath of the Lamb DLC Steam Key
Fuck I'm stupid. Hope steam keys are ok. i'll host DRM free stuff in my dropbox otherwise.
I'll also go in for three 'pay more than the average' bundles for people once my payment goes through. Greentooths who are active on the forums and genuinely can't afford it/are unemployed preferred. PM me with email.
I grabbed the first Indie Game: The Movie key (M85PR-TPLRB-3TNV3), thanks! Interestingly enough I tried the last key first, seems most people think in that order since the last and middle keys were already taken.
I like that they added separate keys for all the games now, so you can gift individual games to friends . It took me quite a while to claim them all for myself though .
Yeah I prefer that too, glad they got around to it, was my only criticisism of the service. TBH with my own personal copy I'll still probably gift Closure. The rest interest me.
Not sure it's gonna affect the bottom line much plus some people just ain't got it this christmas, or don't have compatible cards.
But yes I get what you are saying. Everyone should give something and pay it forward, even if it's to get a key to give to a casual gamer friend, or that girlfriend you want to get into games
I wish they'd bring the past bundles back out for sale. I started with V, missed out on a lot
personally i would shy away from post keys for bundle items, while the bundle is still running and can be bought.
i want to see humble, and the charitys do as well as possible, so under cutting potential buyers isnt that great.
I see where you're coming from, but it's just mainly for those who don't have access to a credit card or any payment (they wouldn't have access to these indie games otherwise). As for the charity, I'll put in some extra bucks for my copy so it balances out.
OK so as promised I got three 'pay more than the average' bundles that I'm giving away.
I would prefer they go to homes with polycounters that are hard up this season. So if you're active on the boards (i.e. more than two posts) and can't afford to go crazy on the steam sale this year send me a P.M.
If I don't get enough P.M.s I'll dump the steam codes out here seperately
Had no out of work regulars PM me yet so here's what's left of my first extra bundle, some are missing cause of previous member requests (Shank 2 and Isaac for instance, will be going to LeiLei this time round )
Indie Game: The Movie Steam Key
Snapshot Steam Key
Legend of Grimlock Steam Key
Bundle #2 and #3 coming up. Please leave the keys for regulars who genuinely can't afford it/haven't got a credit card. And if you can afford it, buy a few bundles and put them up here/facebook. Humble Bundle 7 isn't even at 2 mill yet!
Legend of Grimrock.....IS AMAZING. I wouldn't have expected to be having this much fun with this game! I actually put down Hawken and Planetside to have this be my holiday game. Makes me miss playing DnD.
The steam key giveaway stuff on polycount could help with some sort of members-only thing like with image attachments, but that'll just make a flock to polycount as a new trading post.
I do think it would be a good idea to consolidate both threads into a single master giveaway thread.
I'm on polycount literally daily, so I could make a new one and keep it updated regularly, with used links, usernames etcetera in the first post - that is, if you don't mind? I'll go ask who started the other thread(s?), too.
In the meanwhile, here are copies of
Indie Game the Movie RNL3D-DDEIY-K6BJJ
Binding of Isaac CGLP4-34F0M-35B60
ahhh snapshot was taken I'll probably just grab it later Anywho if someone for some odd reason still doesnt have portal. I have a copy of portal still
Looks very pretty right? Check your PM.
Bundle Numero Dos! (What's left. Bundle 3 will be a complete 'pay more than the average' pack Wanted to post three whole packs but people be claiming left and right yo! :poly122:
The Binding of Isaac + Wrath of the Lamb DLC Steam Key
I took the Shank2,been wanting to try that one for quite a long time.Many thanks.
I can't offer any payable stuff,since i've got no viable creditcard for making purchases,but what i can offer is Dota2 for those of you who would like to make some items(or play it) for the Dota2,but still got no account.
PM me your steam email or add me on steam and i'll deliver them.
My Irish bank like to occasionally freeze my card because I'm using it abroad despite several phone calls telling them it's me using it and not to do it again... we all gotta get out kicks I guess. They've decided to do it again so it'll be a few days for the third bundle, as they ain't gonna be working over Christmas. And just as Dark Souls hits Steam at 50% off too!
They added 3 more games to the Humble Bundle now. The Basement Collection, don't know what that is. Cave Story+ a great action game and the last one is Offspring Fling.
Sorry little off topic, however, does anyone know any other movies similar to "Indie Game: The Movie", it was an inspirational movie and I really loved it and would hope to see another like it as the movie somehow motivates me as well.
Merrrrrry Christmas!
So, I hope it's cool to post the steam keys?
The Binding of Isaac + Wrath of the Lamb DLC Steam Key
Indie Game: The Movie Steam Key
Shank 2 Steam Key
Snapshot Steam Key
Fuck I'm stupid. Hope steam keys are ok. i'll host DRM free stuff in my dropbox otherwise.
I'll also go in for three 'pay more than the average' bundles for people once my payment goes through. Greentooths who are active on the forums and genuinely can't afford it/are unemployed preferred. PM me with email.
i want to see humble, and the charitys do as well as possible, so under cutting potential buyers isnt that great.
But yes I get what you are saying. Everyone should give something and pay it forward, even if it's to get a key to give to a casual gamer friend, or that girlfriend you want to get into games
I wish they'd bring the past bundles back out for sale. I started with V, missed out on a lot
I see where you're coming from, but it's just mainly for those who don't have access to a credit card or any payment (they wouldn't have access to these indie games otherwise). As for the charity, I'll put in some extra bucks for my copy so it balances out.
I would prefer they go to homes with polycounters that are hard up this season. So if you're active on the boards (i.e. more than two posts) and can't afford to go crazy on the steam sale this year send me a P.M.
If I don't get enough P.M.s I'll dump the steam codes out here seperately
Merry Christmas folks
Had no out of work regulars PM me yet so here's what's left of my first extra bundle, some are missing cause of previous member requests (Shank 2 and Isaac for instance, will be going to LeiLei this time round
Indie Game: The Movie Steam Key
Snapshot Steam Key
Legend of Grimlock Steam Key
Bundle #2 and #3 coming up. Please leave the keys for regulars who genuinely can't afford it/haven't got a credit card. And if you can afford it, buy a few bundles and put them up here/facebook. Humble Bundle 7 isn't even at 2 mill yet!
Hmm, good point... maybe we should leave that for non-humble games though?
The steam key giveaway stuff on polycount could help with some sort of members-only thing like with image attachments, but that'll just make a flock to polycount as a new trading post.
I'm on polycount literally daily, so I could make a new one and keep it updated regularly, with used links, usernames etcetera in the first post - that is, if you don't mind? I'll go ask who started the other thread(s?), too.
In the meanwhile, here are copies of
Indie Game the Movie RNL3D-DDEIY-K6BJJ
Binding of Isaac CGLP4-34F0M-35B60
Looks very pretty right? Check your PM.
Bundle Numero Dos! (What's left. Bundle 3 will be a complete 'pay more than the average' pack
The Binding of Isaac + Wrath of the Lamb DLC Steam Key
Closure Steam Key
Indie Game: The Movie Steam Key
Shank 2 Steam Key
Legend of Grimrock Steam Key
Also if anyone wants a copy of the game: Altitude, I have one that I got in the holiday sale last year. Just shoot me a PM with your steam name.
I can't offer any payable stuff,since i've got no viable creditcard for making purchases,but what i can offer is Dota2 for those of you who would like to make some items(or play it) for the Dota2,but still got no account.
PM me your steam email or add me on steam and i'll deliver them.
Indie Game: The Movie Steam Key
Snapshot Steam Key
Cave Story+ Steam Key
The Basement Collection Steam Key
Offspring Fling Steam Key
Cave Story+ Steam Key