ok, after a weird series of unfortunate events, this thread is back.
All Progress image to this project can be found at:
And here you can check out the initial Base-building before unwrap/optimization steps:
Latest progress::

-the orange checkers are all in the building uvw map, other colors are just duplicates/module sets:

a couple of things left to pack:

The big square to the bottom right is gonna serve as the UVW tiling map for the walls to the three buildings:

Thanks for your time and all C&C are welcome!
If i may ask, why did you decide to do a unique unwrap for this as apposed to a texture atlas / tiling textures?
I mostly use TexTools, what cool scripts do you also know? I am curious of the following progress! Subscribed!
Perfect UVs by Pelt Mapping in 3ds Max by Todo3ds
PolyUnwrapper by PolyTools3D
TexTools: Toolbox for the texture artist by renderhjs
hope it helps, and happy modeling, bud!
A minor update of some Barrels and Crates. Very happy with how quick and clean the unwraps were, more to come soon with better texture work and UV updates!
For the wip shots it would help to keep them as simple as possible so that people can see and appreciate your work. Having 20 of the same or similar object in one shot, having multicoloured checker maps or having a tangent map set as the diffuse is very distracting and makes it difficult to crit your work.
The textures seem very busy considering how small they are and I think a lot of that will be lost at a distance anyway. The chest for example, I think it might benefit from losing the strips on the texture and sticking to larger, bold blocks of colour/detail. If you look at games that use small textures (smaller smart phone games for example) a lot of the textures are block colours and any detail is large and clear because anything else will be lost at a distance and confusing up close. If you take a look at this post for example: http://www.polycount.com/forum/showthread.php?t=64099 you will see that the models have detail but they are predominately one or two colours which makes it a lot easier for the eye to read.
It would be nice if you could repost a picture of your model without the checker map, maybe one from your blog? Looking forward to seeing this progress, subscribed!
i'll post a update as soon as i can, thanks!
Edit P.S. i pasted over the more simplifier view of the building so its easier to view as PixelSuit suggested, thanks!
heres a update on how the crate and barrel texturing went. let me know what you guys think, thanks!