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Trion Worlds Layoffs



  • MainManiac
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    MainManiac polycounter lvl 11

    I enjoyed the people who agreed with me and then edited their posts once shit hit the fan.
  • Fuse
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    Fuse polycounter lvl 18
    That's enough.
  • breakneck
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    breakneck polycounter lvl 13
    uber sucks. Lots of positions open at Cryptic! PM me and I can pass along info to HR.
  • HardBaller
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    HardBaller polycounter lvl 7
    Oh man this is really sad news to here guys. Always loved Rift since beta (still do) and hearing this is really sad. You guys are great artists and the art dump really showed how awesome you are. Hope you all find new homes soon :)
  • Progg
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    Progg polycounter lvl 11
    Sorry for everyone involved. This is never something easy to hear. Hope you all land on your feet.
  • ex-trion
    I also got layed off today from Trion ... any Freelance or gigs people can forward on I'd much appreciate Thanks!!


    Damn, Dan, sorry to hear that. So many good people laid off today. And seems it came suddenly and out of the blue.
  • Ferg
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    Ferg polycounter lvl 18
    Shit, rough stuff, really sorry to hear. For what it's worth, I was just talking with a friend the other day about how the industry is currently a pretty good place for talented folks, which you all are. Good luck landing excellent new gigs everyone, and anyone looking for work should definitely post their portfolio in here.
  • JasonLavoie
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    JasonLavoie polycounter lvl 18
    Frell man, you need to spend less time telling people how it is, and more time making art... either that or just gtfo i guess?


    As Fuse stated before, we are looking to fill positions here at Digital Extremes, just get in touch with one of us here on PC and we'll forward your stuff to the right people.

    As always, good luck, and there is no doubt that you very talented people will get back on your feet in no time.
  • Rico
    Holy fuck man....

    Sorry to everyone involved. I hope you guys all land on your feet. What a shitty time for this to happen to you guys.
  • KyleJensen
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    KyleJensen polycounter lvl 14
    Oh man, that sucks. That's terrible news. :(

    Wishing luck on the job hunt to all those affected. I'm sure there are plenty of studios that would be willing to pick you guys up.
  • [Deleted User]
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    [Deleted User] insane polycounter
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  • skankerzero
    Let's focus on getting these people employed again.

    We have plenty of other topics and chat rooms where we can vent our issues with current game development.
  • Jesse Moody
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    Jesse Moody polycounter lvl 18
    Hey guys. Can't promise anything super immediate but I can forward your stuff along to our recruiters and they might potentially know of a few things that I don't. So hit me up on here with a pm.

    Folio links, blogs, art that can't be shared, the normal stuff and I'll do what I can to help.
  • Reverenddevil
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    Reverenddevil polycounter lvl 9
    if anyone is interested in giving this man a shiny new job for the holidays. Here are my portfolio links



    I love POLYCOUNT!!!
  • ae.
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    ae. polycounter lvl 12
    Hope everyone lands on there feet!
  • [Deleted User]
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    [Deleted User] insane polycounter
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  • KrazyTaco
    It's never easy to hear something like this, as student it makes me yikes of the unpredictible the game industry can be but also I love how supportive this community is.
    The best of my wishes to those affected.
  • EtotheRic
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    EtotheRic polycounter lvl 20
    This really sucks to hear. Best of luck to you folks.
  • Cybrinsanity
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    Cybrinsanity polycounter lvl 9
    ex-trion wrote: »
    Damn, Dan, sorry to hear that. So many good people laid off today. And seems it came suddenly and out of the blue.

    it sure did.. wasn't expecting it at all!
  • skankerzero
    Was this in response to me? bwaha. Forum police!

    I will in fact say do not get employed right away. Take some time off for yourself. Tweak and refine some skills you've always wanted to address.

    Make it a part of your plan to take some time and get the next job you really want. Not just the first thing desperation warrants.

    The Rift guys deserve to get some "next-level" positions after what they made.

    not to you but just in general.
  • crazyfool
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    crazyfool polycounter lvl 13
    good luck to all involved. sucks big time!!!!
  • bugo
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    bugo polycounter lvl 17
    Hazardous wrote: »
    Sorry to hear this guys, even though weve been gone for just over a year it still has a very real saddening effect, hope all my chums get something good happening real soon! Special hugs for any of the people on visa's who are looking at returning to their home countries if they cant find another gig - argh!!!

    Oh man, I'm on a visa, and I can't think on how hard it can be for someone to rely on getting a job that quick because of the lay off. I don't get these restrictions of immigration and why they make it so hard.

    Therefore for those that don't know, there are NO immigration laws saying you HAVE to find a job in a specific time. What I KNOW for sure is that the less time you find a sponsor to transfer your visa, the better and faster is the approval. I wish all the luck to the ones involved.
  • Sculptaur
    Really sorry to hear about this. :(

    There has definitely been a lot of great work coming out of Trion, sad to know that now there will be less.

    I am sure you will all find work at a great company. Good luck!
  • prototyp3
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    prototyp3 polycounter lvl 17
    Gross news, especially this time of the year. I hate seeing former coworkers kicked into the cold like this while the decision making management sits pretty.

    I hope you studs land new gigs quickly, showered with dollars and love.

  • Sugus
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    Sugus polycounter lvl 7
    Ouch, sorry to hear about this, it's a real shame that such talented people find themselves in these situations. Best of luck to everyone!
  • serriffe
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    serriffe polycounter lvl 9
    sorry to hear this news, and I'll say it again- I thought the art is amazing- my best wishes for you guys.
  • ChaosEidolon
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    ChaosEidolon polycounter lvl 17
    wow guys, that really blows. I'm sorry to hear it. That team has been kicking out some awesome stuff, what a waste to see it broken up. How many on the art team were affected?

    Not a fun time to have this stuff on your mind, but having been looking for the past few weeks, there is quite a bit of hiring happening so I'm sure everyone will be fine before long. Best of luck on the search!

    Welcome to the pre-Christmas unemployment party! :P Chin up!
  • Alberto Rdrgz
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    Alberto Rdrgz polycounter lvl 15
    sorry to everyone that was affected, and may you land on your feet soon. this sucks.

    ready at dawn is looking...
  • System
  • Orgoth02
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    Orgoth02 polycounter lvl 9
    I will be canceling my Rift account. I refuse to give any money to the executives and producers of companies that partake in the "Hire and Fire" practice. I wish everyone the best of luck, I don't think this will be the only round of Layoffs we see from them either.
  • tottot
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    tottot polycounter lvl 10
    Im really sorry to hear about this, I hope everyone lands on their feet soon, hang in there.
  • bounchfx
    Orgoth02 wrote: »
    I will be canceling my Rift account. I refuse to give any money to the executives and producers of companies that partake in the "Hire and Fire" practice. I wish everyone the best of luck, I don't think this will be the only round of Layoffs we see from them either.

    Ironically enough, that means you'll be contributing to this next 'round' you mention. As far as I can tell, Trion is not really a hire and fire company, despite the recent layoffs. If they had a history of ramping up, then cleaning house afterwards like some other companies are known for then sure, but in this case I don't think it's an appropriate label.
  • praetus
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    praetus interpolator
    Orgoth02 wrote: »
    I will be canceling my Rift account. I refuse to give any money to the executives and producers of companies that partake in the "Hire and Fire" practice. I wish everyone the best of luck, I don't think this will be the only round of Layoffs we see from them either.

    I think you may be jumping to conclusions here. While it is after the release of an expansion I think that is more of a coincidence. From what I understand, "End of Nations" having some missteps in development tends to be more of the culprit. If that is the case; it really sucks that one games mismanagement can effect so many other people that aren't affiliated past parent company.

    I really feel for you guys losing your jobs. If there is any justice to it, the art dump that got posted recently will reflect on just how awesome the lot of you are and you can regain some work soon.
  • imb3nt
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    imb3nt polycounter lvl 14
    Really sorry to hear this guys. Best of luck to everyone affected.
  • randomguy69
    I know I am a month and a half late, but when I read these news, I was so overfilled with joy I had to make an account to comment. I hope the piece of shit failure of a human being was one of those who got fired. I hope he never finds a job again, because he has nothing to contribute to society other than exercise his massive ego over the internet, banning people.

    In broader theme, when a company treats its customers like kids, and bans people for things like profanity, don't be surprised when those people don't buy the game again despite a million spam mails, and you end up losing money and have to lay people off.

    To answer your question, yes I am still bitter. Losing months of leveling to some piece of shit on the internet sucks. But I am happy now. More lay offs to come (I hope).
  • almighty_gir
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    almighty_gir ngon master
    I know I am a month and a half late, but when I read these news, I was so overfilled with joy I had to make an account to comment. I hope the piece of shit failure of a human being was one of those who got fired. I hope he never finds a job again, because he has nothing to contribute to society other than exercise his massive ego over the internet, banning people.

    In broader theme, when a company treats its customers like kids, and bans people for things like profanity, don't be surprised when those people don't buy the game again despite a million spam mails, and you end up losing money and have to lay people off.

    To answer your question, yes I am still bitter. Losing months of leveling to some piece of shit on the internet sucks. But I am happy now. More lay offs to come (I hope).

    unfortunately that's almost never the case. the wrong people seemingly always keep their jobs, and artists are the first to go, after maybe QA.

    also... wow man, it's a game, chill.
  • [Deleted User]
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    [Deleted User] insane polycounter
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  • PixelMasher
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    PixelMasher veteran polycounter
    I know I am a month and a half late, but when I read these news, I was so overfilled with joy I had to make an account to comment. I hope the piece of shit failure of a human being was one of those who got fired. I hope he never finds a job again, because he has nothing to contribute to society other than exercise his massive ego over the internet, banning people.

    In broader theme, when a company treats its customers like kids, and bans people for things like profanity, don't be surprised when those people don't buy the game again despite a million spam mails, and you end up losing money and have to lay people off.

    To answer your question, yes I am still bitter. Losing months of leveling to some piece of shit on the internet sucks. But I am happy now. More lay offs to come (I hope).

    what a cunt.
  • tottot
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    tottot polycounter lvl 10
    I know I am a month and a half late, but when I read these news, I was so overfilled with joy I had to make an account to comment. I hope the piece of shit failure of a human being was one of those who got fired. I hope he never finds a job again, because he has nothing to contribute to society other than exercise his massive ego over the internet, banning people.

    In broader theme, when a company treats its customers like kids, and bans people for things like profanity, don't be surprised when those people don't buy the game again despite a million spam mails, and you end up losing money and have to lay people off.

    To answer your question, yes I am still bitter. Losing months of leveling to some piece of shit on the internet sucks. But I am happy now. More lay offs to come (I hope).

    I wonder why you were banned
  • Justin Meisse
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    Justin Meisse polycounter lvl 19
    we know why he was banned from polycount
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