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Military Vehicle: The HMMVW-"Hyena"

polycounter lvl 6
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Sir_Dillon polycounter lvl 6
Hey folks!

Something I wanted to do for a really long time! A more buggy-ish version of the common HMMVW Humvee, or Hummer.
I try to make the design fit for more extreme landscape: Safe deployment in desert, swamp and wetland areas ;)

Started off with a sketch in my sketchbook.


Then I started modelling. The Design keeps re-inventing itself while I go. So Details changed a bit and will further. I model, then make a screen and doodle over the picture in PS, return to modelling and so on.

Here is what I have so far:




  • TrampledUnderFoot
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    TrampledUnderFoot polycounter lvl 7
    Looks good so far! Really cool project.

    Are you going to keep it as wide as the normal Hummvee? I don't know if that would look right for a 'buggy' version, just seems like it would be much to wide and cumbersome looking.
  • Sir_Dillon
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    Sir_Dillon polycounter lvl 6
    Hey there!

    Yeah, good point.
    First be said, that the whole thing is eye-measurement. So no perfect proportions anyways.
    But yeah. I already noticed myself that the whole thing gets a bit stretched. But this comes as I make the parts and mirror them. Good chance to fix it later on. It looks a bit massive for a buggy, too. With all the door-armor and stuff.

    I decided to keep going for now. Dont want to loose momentum ;)

    Sir Dillon
  • Havoc89
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    Havoc89 polycounter lvl 11
    Looks cool. The flared wheel arches reminds me of the warthog from halo. Cool design though
  • CandyStripes05
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    CandyStripes05 polycounter lvl 9
    love the overall shape so far
    don't lose that momentum, i know what that can feel like and it blows lol
  • Sir_Dillon
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    Sir_Dillon polycounter lvl 6
    Back again! And here I go with some progress update.

    while thinking about the back-part of the vehicle, I took a little detour over other details, to refresh my mind from trunk-designs.

    I built these additional lights into these attached Headlight-boxes. I made the front slimmer, and so only the headlights had their place in the grills. Those elements which didn't fit there anymore were meant to be placed in these additional boxes affixed under the dirt-covers.




    Then finally I had a trunk-scribble I liked. started on thatone.



    Again a good deal out of proportions. stretched. Will have to tacle that soon.
    Some parts in the design are still only blockings. Like the back-wheel dirtcover, the wheel suspension or the compliance (<-- ?!? chose the right word??) so dont hit me on these.

    Oh, Yeah!...
    ...Thanx for your comments guys! I very much like to read opinions!

    The Dillon
  • alle090
    I find the new design awesome, especially the new back. Feels much more heavy duty!
    Are you going to have the antenna as long as the recon Humvee (that is fasten to the front hood) or are you going with the shorter one?
  • Sir_Dillon
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    Sir_Dillon polycounter lvl 6
    Hi, there!

    I've been distracted from this project for a while now.
    First, something came up which calls itself "christmas" and I had to visit my Clan... Then New Year... Then a lot of stuff happening around me which kept me busy. Finally I found time to continue here and now I am glad to update!




    I have set in the back-door slightly, making the vehicle slimmer at its "waist". Left the trunk big. It gets some kind of insect-like look thereby. Wasn't aiming for that one and I am trying to eliminate it by the back-dustcovers somehow...
    I am still thinking over some details. But this is the shape I want to go for. So wheel-distance, hood-length, overall height and these things are fixed now.

    @ alle090: I don't yet have any idea about the antenna... I dont even know where to put it.
    I like the oldfashioned fixed-at-the-back--bent-to-the-front style very much... but maybe I find something else...

  • RaPtoR_v9600
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    RaPtoR_v9600 polycounter lvl 4
    I think that all APC and light vehicle i the future will share V shape hull just to keep in mind


    But great start this will be very interesting model
  • Sir_Dillon
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    Sir_Dillon polycounter lvl 6

    i am putting this one on pause for a while in favor of other projects. but I`ll return.

    @ RaPtoR_v9600

    Yeah that may be tru, but its still a Hummvee-interpretation and I see no way to give it a v-shaped hull without changing the shape completely again... So I leave it at that now...
    But it would certainly make a cool feature and a cool vehicle if I had integrated it into the design from the beginning.

    Back soon!
  • Sir_Dillon
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    Sir_Dillon polycounter lvl 6
    Had a long break filled with an internship. I did not work on the Humvee since the internship started. This is what it looked like then.






    Transferred it to Maya for all the last steps taken since the last post.

    ...UV-mapping has been a bit of a frightening sight. ^^ There is also a lot vert-killing to do, to lower the polys.

  • Sir_Dillon
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    Sir_Dillon polycounter lvl 6

    I totally forgot to post the results of this! Done for quite a while now. Here it is!

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