Hi there,
I kinda feel like a noob posting this, especially in comparison to some of the awesome work on here...
Anyhow, here is a SAI Suppressor that I made earlier on - I intend to attach it to an AK74-U (When I get round to making it).
Was very difficult to get any images/refs for the cavity between the can and nozzle attachment, so I sort of just went off what my eye could see...
Render and composition all done inside the Blender node editor.

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Alsour edges are way too tight for game art
Anyway, I duplicated the low-poly mesh and tweaked it into a cage. I exported both the low-poly and cage as triangulated meshes and assigned the settings respectively in Xnormal.
The model is intended to be imported into Arma II as a mod, so ideally I want to pack in as much detail as I can. 150 Tris would be too low I think...?
So if I loosen up the edges, tighten up the cage and reduce the normal map to 1024x1024* I should be on a roll?
Thx for the crits, time to get down to work!
Loosened up most (If not all) edges on the high-poly model and reduced the normal map size. I added in some AA to smoothen out the norm map too...
A few wavy bits in the map which can easily be cleaned up, but overall I would def say this is an improvement over the last bake? What do you guys think?
I'll see what I can do with reducing the tri count, however I guess the moral of the story here is 'Keep a tight cage and loose edges'... :P
Time for some texturing!
Wire side:
Wire front:
Wire back:
The waviness on the two islands at the bottom I'll try to fix in Photoshop.
Or you could fix it in PShop, but THAT'S CHEATING.
from Poop's tutorial Normal Map Workflow
Handplane can fix waviness can't it? You could always give that a go.
Hmmm, I forgot about Handplane, I'll have to give that a shot...
I re-baked the normal map again to try and fix some issues - some fixed, others not...