Hey everyone!
My name is Victor Gaza (vickgaza) and this is the place where I will be documenting the creation on my final 3D Games Art Masters project developed at the University of Hertfordshire UK.
I have also joined the Bioware Contest with my little chick since she`d fit in the Dragon Age universe

The project consists of a real-time next gen female character into a nice little outdoor environment diorama, with a day to night shift that will allow for some bio-luminous plants pop out

I shall also be streaming LIVE all the development work that will go to creating my final masters project, from modeling to texturing to retopo to everything

http://www.livestream.com/vickgaza from 8am GMT daily.
Everything will be rendered realtime within Unreal Development Kit (UDK) using all the directX11 features available (tessellation,realtime reflections, etc)
If you guys want to see my past works, some of the best ones are available here:
And SOME ACTUAL work now
Please please tear my work apart, and help me improve my baby :poly142:

Your shapes are working pretty well together, you have a pretty good understanding of anatomy and sculpting. I just can't help but feel like this character/monster is too generic. I can't get a feeling of what her character is from looking at her. Perhaps a basic enemy in some random cave of an mmo. I get the vibe that you want her to be more of a boss character. It all comes down to design. If you spend a few minutes to develop a back story for her she will start to come alive.
The transition between the human and spider parts seems a bit harsh, making it look like a human was stuck onto a spider. I think you could play a bit with that area to make it more interesting. Overall thought I think you have a good silhouette going on.
Keep it up! Looking forward to seeing where you take this.
Love tje extra eyes. But u need to integrate her "hat" better into her head so that it looks more like part of her and less like a hat.
Regardless this is what I have so far, thank you again, I rlly appreciate you guys taking the time to write feedback.
@artquest The idea of making a backstory is awesome, I`ll get to that
@rooster made some changes to her hands, I will post hand details tomorrow, used the l4d with for minor inspiration
Any more feedback is greatly appreciated , thanks in advance
Tips and feedback is welcomed.
Also some weapon suggestions would be super nice to have, as I`m not sure what weapon to make for her, any ideas?
Sorry for the slow flow of images but I`ve been caught up in 2d work recently.
And face:
Feedback as always, very very welcomed.
Redid the face, and the legs, and pretty much everything again, but it was super fun and I learned tons, can`t wait to finish her.
how did you do the body sculpting ??? which brushes, techniques... Mind to share abit of workflow for that... ???
@Ichll thank you
@Cmtanko I just use basic brshes like clay tubes , dam standard, polish, standard, clay, pinch etc with some alphas that come with the basic zbrush. I`ve used some bumby alphas for skin
Also for scatches and damage, I use mallet fast and slice tool.
@TehSplatt Thank you very much
Here`s a B&W version of her and some assets / weapon.
How did you learn how to render and make dem pretty models ?! As I need to learns that as well
Natural Talent in the sense you describe Ravanna , does not exist.
Here`s a final comp before wires
@Giles heya , I kind of like that one too but since the girl is human sized and ment to be a boss type character, if I leave her legs thin and long, I either make them really long and small body so it can withstand the weight but thus loose focus on her face/body , or make them thicker and shorter so her body can be more in focus as it`s bigger compared to the legs. But yea I get what you mean, I hope I did the right call
@bounch thank you very much, i`m doing retopology atm, will post some feedback soon.
@Torch I didn't have Darksouls in mind but I did want to hopefully get to a more dark horror fantasy creature that is at least visually realistic (material wise, colour wise, anatomy wise, etc), if not functional as well (well at least a bit)
More updates soon ! Thank you very much for the input guys
This is real-time in marmoset, basically tessetalion through a disp map + parallax + normals + detail normal map (tileable noise to mask some seams) + translucency + engine ao .
I hope you guys like it, and Lonewolf man, your stuff is NEXT LEVEL stuff dude, you dwarf me infinitely
All views are real-time,presented in marmoset atm, with tesselation + parallax + normals + details normal map + translucency + engine ao + a bit of bloom + some red scattering
Only two x 2k maps, spec, gloss, diffuse, normal and displacement (for tesselation) and a tileable normalmap sand texture as a detail map to break the seams.
Almost done
Need to bake the armour bits tomorrow
Will post a turntable as soon as it renders.
And youtube video of a turntable inside Marmoset
just my $0.02
Hope you likes them. Need to add some more accessories tomorrow and finish the weapon and then I will definitely pose her !
Thanks again for all your feedback and comments,
The final character count is around 110k triangles with legs and weapon. All accessories are modelled textured and baked individually off the character so they can be swapped and replaced.Assets have been separated according to materials in order to achieve a better tessellation control / set of items.
Total maps are comprised of 3 x 2K map sets (one for the human bust,one for the spider body + legs and one for the leather and hanging assets) and 2 x 1K map sets (one for the metal parts and one for the weapon).
The sets are made out of a Diffuse, Specular + Gloss, Normal and Displacement map for tessellation. Two extra tillable textures were used for the skin respectively for the metal as a detail normal map.
The legs are done modularly, duplicating only a termination joing and a knee for more variation, other leg pieces are breakable thus being mirrored and flipped to achieve a useful modulation.
Will upload maps and wireframe soon.
Software packages used were the following:
Zbrush - for Sculpting (all assets and character pieces were done here) and Texturing (base colours and spec map painting)
Photoshop - for further texturing (also for thumbnail creation, visual exploration, mockups, concepts,etc,
Maya - for proxy modeling,retopology cleanup, tweaking, Uv mapping, setting normals, setting uv islands, UV transfers.etc
Xnormal - for baking all maps and polypaint transfer
Headus UV Layout - for unwrapping and uv layouts
Topogun - for retopology Marmoset Tool-bag for rendering, previewing, adjusting maps, etc.
Thank you for viewing