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Hard Surface problem

polycounter lvl 15
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Cathodeus polycounter lvl 15
Hi all,

I continue learning hard surface :-) And this time i got another problem.

I have to objects with differents number of vertices. They are perfectly matching as low poly but once smoothed as Sub-d everything is not matching anymore ...

How would you solve that ? I tried modeling it as a single object but i wasn't able to keep hard edge were they mus be as well as rounded shape where needed.

Thanks in advance.




  • illo
    you have to match the edge count and spacing. on the larger mesh, you have two more edges on the top part. remove those and the sub-d version should match better.
  • Cathodeus
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    Cathodeus polycounter lvl 15
    Ilo thanks for your answer. But i needed those additionnals edges to keep the hard edge on the bigger object.

    I solved my problem earlier today by adding more sections to the floating geometry. Smoothed it to level 1. Than matched the bigger object.

    So thanks Ilo for your explanation anyway.
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