I have been using a modified UDK biped rig since January '12, and each time it takes 3-4 times longer than it should to rig/pose, due to what i consider bugs/glitches.
original file from here:
Main example:
I modified the skeleton to fit my character in figure mode.
When figure mode is turned off, you can test the animation and clean some verts up:
Sadly, after 3-4 hours, the figure mode stops working. This is permanent, when i reopen the project, figure mode is still broken:
This is one of many bugs, others include skin information refusing to save, refusing to mirror, crashes, and others that i cannot even describe.
I have installed max2012 3 different times, and on 2 different computers.
So, is this old news, is the biped system generally rubbish on max, is it the original 3dsmax file from the UDN/UDK to blame, or is my IQ considerably lower than I thought?
Help me ObiwanKenobi.
I also select all of the biped pieces, hold alt, right click, and choose set skin pose. That way you have a lot of options to get it back into the figure/bind pose if you need to. I use the assume skin pose to reset sections of the skeleton when animating, pretty handy.
As messed up as this was, it isn't anywhere near as messed up as CAT was and still is...