Hi All,
So I am just beginning to learn to sculpt in Mudbox, making models for a map I'm working on. I am trying to scuplt some non-organic architectural type objects (window frames, door frames, pillars etc) and in certain places for this I need to use the sculpt brushes (sculpt, knife etc) to create very straight lines over a long distance. Trying to keep them totally straight manually (with mouse) is extremely difficult.
I have been trying to find something equlivent to photoshops "holding down shift when using paintbrush to draw a straight line between the last pressure point and the current one" with the Mudbox tools but with no luck. I looked through all the hotkeys and couldn't find anything obvious.
Does anyone know how I can achieve something like this in Mudbox? To lock the sculpt stroke to one vector accross the objects surface or between 2 specified points?
What do experts usually do when they want to sculpt in very straight lines?
Thanks all!!
This example isnt perfect, but i hope it illustrates the problem... imagine you wanted to add the panel detail in this door in a sculpt (ok i know it's maybe not really necessary to sculpt a door like this, but its just to exaplin):
If the lines are not straight then it is very noticable, the eye picks up on very small differences in symmetry... but if I have to include all that into the "low poly" model I am importing it adds a lot of extra geometry and kind of defeats the point of using Mudbox at all.
To add this detail to the model I am working on will add about 300 more ploys to my model, which is way too many.
Are you saying, Grey, that I make my own custom stencil using the shape I need?
I couldnt find many tuts on youtube for curves, but I did find this one for painting...
[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jvO2oQJXGtQ"]use curves for painting in mudbox - YouTube[/ame]
can the same thing be done for sculpting?