Hi Guys,
Wanted to get an opinion on what you guys think of my environment (WIP). this is for one of my modules in University and we were told to do something we haven't done before, me being striving to be a character artist chose to do environments.
The concept was taken off Maple story and is based off a map called Elluel, its a first for me doing environment as i am a character artist so i'm still lacking, any critique and advice is very much appriciated, here is the concept and the area its taken from.
The original image

The concept

the style I'm aiming for is between a cartoony and realistic feel like that of Vergne Fanny's "Fantasy Portal Environment", rather I'd say it's inspired by it. for those that don't know what that is please check the link below.
Actually I've come quite a long way since the concept, jumped right into it actually and now that I think about it, there are probably a lot of mistakes in the process i used to create this, this was all done via Zbrush aside from the pillar and Gate, I could have planned this better, but due to me being bad at planning and having other work to do I just pretty much carried on with it. Here is what i have so far


I think giving the archway more of a natural feel by building it out of the tree in some way would look great. I believe that a light source in the scene, rather than just ambient will really help make this pop, maybe make that spire like thing more of a lantern pole, similar to the concept? Could be interesting if the crystal gave off some sort of emissive light as well to help the fantasy feel.
Keep sculpting!!
Thanks for the feedback and forgive me for the late reply >.<, i was a bit more busy than i thought i would be. Unfortunatly the deadline for the project was too soon to implement your advice on the project, but the plan is to further improve it whenever i have free time so your advice won't go to waste
here is the somewhat completed model in UDK, its a shame i didnt get the rest in on time but i'm happy with the results so far