I would hold off, and take a step back and really look at what you have. Right now, you are building everything unique and not really planning out the scene. This isn't (and shouldn't be treated as) a single asset. This is a scene assembled from multiple pieces. Taking everything into zbrush and just sculpting is going to make it more difficult for you to capture the shapes and composition of elements that make the concept look good.
For this scene, the first thing you should be doing is blocking it out and figuring out what you actually need.For example, you wont need 7 or 8(hard to tell if these rocks are the same mesh or not) uniquely sculpted rocks. You will need maybe 1 or 2 really well made rocks that can be rotated and scaled/combined to look unique. Spend some time breaking the scene down as you block it out.
When you block it out, pay attention to things like perspective. Right now, the signpost that is behind the gate looks like it is sticking out of it. I think the fact that the painting itself is pretty much isometric is making it difficult to really determine scale.
Once you have the general shapes in, spend some time focusing on making interesting silhouettes. The tree is a good example of something that would benefit from this. really try to push them. The overall shape is what is going to really sell each asset. Right now everything is kind of blending together, as they all look similar in shape/size.
Once you have your blockout and assets figured out you can take them into zbrush and give each one some love. Start at a low subdivision level to make sure they read how you want, save the smaller deatils for last. That tree should read as a tree, even without bark. Same for the rocks and everything else. Since you spent time figuring these things out earlier, it should be easy to nail and not take too long. Try to also pay attention to areas with soft and hard edges. Using these to your advantage will really help sell materials and objects as what they are. Right now everything here feels lumpy. Spend some time refining things using hpolish or whatever brush works for you to clean things up. Put some thought into if the transition between planes on a rock should be crisp and hard, or more lumpy based on how that rock may have formed. Tell a story with it, make it interesting.
Once you have all that, you may be able to use your initial blockout as your lowpoly, maybe not....but I would definitely take these things into consideration before committing to baking this down and trying to finish it. Lemme know if you have any questions, I know this was a lot to read.
When you block it out, pay attention to things like perspective. Right now, the signpost that is behind the gate looks like it is sticking out of it. I think the fact that the painting itself is pretty much isometric is making it difficult to really determine scale.
Your right, I did wing the scale I will revisit it while I still can.
Once you have the general shapes in, spend some time focusing on making interesting silhouettes. The tree is a good example of something that would benefit from this. really try to push them. The overall shape is what is going to really sell each asset. Right now everything is kind of blending together, as they all look similar in shape/size.
that didnt come to mind as I was paying more attention to following the concept but sense the way the painting is layed out it can leave room for more creative freedom onh my part.
Once you have your blockout and assets figured out you can take them into zbrush and give each one some love. Start at a low subdivision level to make sure they read how you want, save the smaller deatils for last. That tree should read as a tree, even without bark. Same for the rocks and everything else. Since you spent time figuring these things out earlier, it should be easy to nail and not take too long. Try to also pay attention to areas with soft and hard edges. Using these to your advantage will really help sell materials and objects as what they are. Right now everything here feels lumpy. Spend some time refining things using hpolish or whatever brush works for you to clean things up. Put some thought into if the transition between planes on a rock should be crisp and hard, or more lumpy based on how that rock may have formed. Tell a story with it, make it interesting.
I agree with the lumpiness, maybe I will try and break up some of the rocks, which I originaly did to follow the concept, into more contrasting smaller sharper shapes to go against the more flowing fat trees.
thank you for taking the time out of your day to critique my work!
For this scene, the first thing you should be doing is blocking it out and figuring out what you actually need.For example, you wont need 7 or 8(hard to tell if these rocks are the same mesh or not) uniquely sculpted rocks. You will need maybe 1 or 2 really well made rocks that can be rotated and scaled/combined to look unique. Spend some time breaking the scene down as you block it out.
When you block it out, pay attention to things like perspective. Right now, the signpost that is behind the gate looks like it is sticking out of it. I think the fact that the painting itself is pretty much isometric is making it difficult to really determine scale.
Once you have the general shapes in, spend some time focusing on making interesting silhouettes. The tree is a good example of something that would benefit from this. really try to push them. The overall shape is what is going to really sell each asset. Right now everything is kind of blending together, as they all look similar in shape/size.
Once you have your blockout and assets figured out you can take them into zbrush and give each one some love. Start at a low subdivision level to make sure they read how you want, save the smaller deatils for last. That tree should read as a tree, even without bark. Same for the rocks and everything else. Since you spent time figuring these things out earlier, it should be easy to nail and not take too long. Try to also pay attention to areas with soft and hard edges. Using these to your advantage will really help sell materials and objects as what they are. Right now everything here feels lumpy. Spend some time refining things using hpolish or whatever brush works for you to clean things up. Put some thought into if the transition between planes on a rock should be crisp and hard, or more lumpy based on how that rock may have formed. Tell a story with it, make it interesting.
Once you have all that, you may be able to use your initial blockout as your lowpoly, maybe not....but I would definitely take these things into consideration before committing to baking this down and trying to finish it. Lemme know if you have any questions, I know this was a lot to read.
that didnt come to mind as I was paying more attention to following the concept but sense the way the painting is layed out it can leave room for more creative freedom onh my part.
I agree with the lumpiness, maybe I will try and break up some of the rocks, which I originaly did to follow the concept, into more contrasting smaller sharper shapes to go against the more flowing fat trees.
thank you for taking the time out of your day to critique my work!
something to accent. tutorial by bugo.