Hey All !
Just started modeling and sculpting in 3dsmax and zbrush and would really appreciate any wisdom that could aid my learning!
I made a character in 3dsmax and painted all the textures in photoshop,
Then i wanted to try one completely from zbrush.I know he is pretty lame but hopefully i can just learn from him haha, So here is where it is at before i work out how to retopologize the model !

into marmoset
the maps
a lamp, all simple objects trying to learn how to bake and texture things
1m 14 days !
high res next to me learning to 'expload a mesh' ( i think that's what its called)
and then the topology
Woah, and somehow it seemed to have worked! i was expecting 1000 problems
and day 10 is pretty plane as i spent too long trying to fix day 9's head and stayed in max for as long as possible ( maybe counter intuitive but i want to learn some old school modeling as well )
thank you for the advice, Lee from the hangouts pointed that out and showed me some better methods for it. Ill post up the next UV layout and see if its better then the dodgy forehead seem i have been doing !
And a dredd study
HighPoly of second character (Varus from League of Legends), i want to wait and see if anyone has advice on changes before i start making the low poly
You've progressed quite a lot, good job man, and keep going, you can keep improving! I'm jealous of your skills.
What prior knowledge did you have when you first started sculpting? Did you have any drawing/visual art skills? Or did you study the human body? Or did you just jump in and learn as you went?
I envy everyone that is better than me
I've never been a visual arts type person, but I think 3D can be forgiving in that sense or at least motivate you to be better at it. But, I'm more of an environmental type person myself, I'd like to do characters someday but I'm happy practising on basic environmental assets/props since they're easier (and generally more interesting to me for now).
Do you use a tablet for your sculpts? What kind?
Blocking in some textures for bakey bake, hair looks pretty poop but ill make it pretty in photoshop
Skimmed through really quickly. Anatomy is definitely difficult, but looks like you're making progress.
some painty paint