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Portfolio launched... Would love to hear some feedback!

Hi guys,

I'm newly registered member, but I've been following this forum for a while now and I've seen lots of amazing work, so thought about sharing my portfolio and hear some thoughts from you guys.

Here is the link to my portfolio: http://vukbanovic.com

Thanks for your time!

Have a great day! :)

Vuk Banovic


  • S_ource
    Offline / Send Message
    S_ource polycounter lvl 9
    Your portfolio just showed up as weird code like when you open files in a txt editor.
  • ForestWolf
    Hmm... Yea, idd... So weird. Tho, it doesn't happen on my end, but you are already the 2nd person who told me about that error.

    Could you please check again and tell me if it works? Thanks.
  • Tits
    Offline / Send Message
    Tits mod
    Hm this is kinda sad, it does the exact same thing to me using chrome,
    tho using internet explorer its showing up fine, You might want to check that out, no one is using internet explorer anymore..

    Like the website tho, nice stuff and it's pretty clean. But as I said before, nobody is using internet explorer anymore so it's a bit annoying if nobody can see your work! If I was a recruter in a company and your website doesn't work, I doubt I would take the time to try it in different browser!
  • Jason Young
    Offline / Send Message
    Jason Young polycounter lvl 16
    I'm using IE and it doesn't work for me either.
  • m1neh
    using chrome and no luck...
  • roosterMAP
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    roosterMAP polycounter lvl 14
    train button not working.
  • Mr.Cash
    Strange...I'm using Firefox, no luck.
    Tried with Internet Explorer too, works just fine.
  • respawnrt
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    respawnrt polycounter lvl 8
    I'm using firefox and it works for me, that being said i think your vehicle having no interiors look a bit weird and i would try to fix this somehow.I also think the first page gallery is a bit random ? like maybe pick fewer pieces and put the best first.Some things i think you should def remove are:girlish bike, sneakers, catapult, king, unit.So as a summary pick fewer best pieces and stick to them for portfolio :) and fix the interiors for cars !
  • Lee3dee
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    Lee3dee polycounter lvl 18
    works in Chrome for me!

    Train scene, in the video you show it just moving. Instead how about showing a breakdown of everything. Show the models, the textures, some of the FX you did. You say "Responsible for: All aspects" show the audience everything you did :)
  • ForestWolf
    Thanks for the help everyone! :)

    My web designer has fixed the issue. It should work now... If you guys could check again, please. Thanks! :)

    @ Respawnrt - Ye, u are right, will remove those. Tho, those were created in 2008/2009 and I'm kinda emotionally attached to em, lol! :) About no interior in cars... It was client's request, so nothing I could do about it. :)

    @ Lee3dee - Thanks for the suggestion, I'll add the breakdowns asap.

    @ Tits - Yep, fully agree...
  • MisterSande
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    MisterSande polycounter lvl 8
    I agree with Lee3dee, wireframes/LP/HP and maps is what most people will be looking at. Looks pretty good so far though :)
  • S_ource
    Offline / Send Message
    S_ource polycounter lvl 9
    It works for me now (on chrome).
  • AlexCatMasterSupreme
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    AlexCatMasterSupreme interpolator
    looks good but I feel like you don't really make your materials defined that well, they have decent definition but come off very strongly photo-sourced, lacking a lot of spec and seem to read as concrete, the sneaker for example feels more like it's not made of cloth like things but cardboard imo.

    Your demo reel seems to have a lot of random stuff that doesn't really seem too professional, like that still image at the end was kinda confusing and I have hear that song on a lot of demo reels. I don't get why you put "veiwport 2.0" on all your stuff. That seems like arbitrary information that isn't really relevant to your work.
  • ForestWolf
    @ Alex - Thanks for the feedback. All the "game art" assets are "print-screens" from Maya's Viewport 2.0. That's why I wrote it, so people could realize it's not a rendered image and it doesn't have any post-production on it, it's just an printscreen from the viewport. That's also the main reason why materials are not precisely defined.

    About the reel. Yes, I agree... That reel is soooo out of date, early 2010 (almost 3 years). New one with my TVC,Game and Film work will be added as soon as all my NDAs ends.
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