Thanks for that video. Also it's fairly likely other stalker mods will also incorporate your AK, usually they're pretty good at listing what other mods are included if you want to send some emails asking for them to remove it or give credit to you, if that hasn't been included. Unless it doesn't bother you of course.
How do you approach things like this? The cylinder on the inside that I've pointed to I mean. Is that just a normal cylinder inside of there or do you cut it up. I ask because I'm doing something similar and it seems a waste of tris and UV space to have a cylinder inside there when most of it isn't seen.
Btw, your guns are awesome. Appreciate that tutorial series you made too.
How do you approach things like this? The cylinder on the inside that I've pointed to I mean. Is that just a normal cylinder inside of there or do you cut it up. I ask because I'm doing something similar and it seems a waste of tris and UV space to have a cylinder inside there when most of it isn't seen.
Btw, your guns are awesome. Appreciate that tutorial series you made too.
Millenia, any chance you can post some flats? I'm having a difficult time balancing Diffuse and Specular, and I figure there's no one better to learn it from.
Okay Joopson, here's the diffuse/spec for the GP30 so far (still wip). I'd put less emphasis on the diffuse and more into gloss if I had one, but STALKER can't handle that stuff so it's a little engine specific. If you want more, just ask (especially something in particular)
Is there any chance you'll be porting some of your guns over to Arma3? I think your guns will definitely shine in that engine, and with weapons being modular, would be great for your weapons as well. (optics, for grips, torches are all seperate elements to the main weapons, and are attached in a modular fashion in game)
i would love to see a whole texturing timelapse with no comments, just a video of you hole texturing process, i dont mind if its speeded up or anything, it would be amaizing!
Thanks for posting you work and thanks for the tutorials, it has helped me a load
Btw, your guns are awesome. Appreciate that tutorial series you made too.
prototypes like that(for 74 not for 74U
but thanks interesting photo, it's old soviet experimental or some modern from eastern europe ?
They're parts cut out of a cylinder.
Texturing this quick little GP-30 for STALKER:
Thanks for posting you work and thanks for the tutorials, it has helped me a load