Finally going to call this one finished. I could tweak and tweak since it's pretty big but I think this is a good stopping point. I'll be uploading bigger images on my site once I get back from vacation tomorrow, and possibly putting together a video of the space.
I set out to put together a sci fi space using halo as my inspiration and am very happy with how it turned out. I think this is a pretty good example of what I can do with a scifi hardsurface environment, and need to try to do something with more organics and textures next.
Hope you guys enjoy!

I wanted to start up a sci fi scene for the old portfolio. I noticed that I didn't have any personal sci fi stuff and I really wanted to see what I could put together and where that might take me. I'm aiming this piece towards a couple of games/studios specifically.
So with this scene I really want to create an immersive environment. I want some ambient moving parts and even some views of the outside that will really help to tell the story i want to tell with this little maintenance bay. I also want to really push my modeling ability with the mech and props, as well as work on my modular kit creations and texturing/trim textures.
More information to follow but for now here is the console. I wanted to create one prop that will help to represent the style and look of the level, as well as to help create a master material from.
Concept i drew up:

and for fun here is the blockout. It's of course in the earliest stages. I want to make sure that walking around the space feels good before i go in and start making art.
Right now the main walkway is feeling alittle tight with the monitors so i'll probably widen the room.

Hope you guys like and this whole scene is absolutely open for crits! Also i'm AWFUL with names, so if you can come up with a sweet name for this i'm open to ideas :poly136:
Attached some ref, showing how a direct server access console looks like.
Imho it might look cool and allow for some animations if, when the player approaches the console, the screen moves out and opens up like the ref.
I want the mechs to be lowered into the bay from the open cylinder, move forward on the tracks and be worked on. A retractable arm will lower from the ceiling and work on the mechs damaged most. I will be able to tell that story with the mechs being in different stages of repair, with one of course being in the center of the room with the retractable arm, and one being raised up as if it were finished.
This also gives my console some context. They're going to be little fueling stations to help refuel the mechs from that fuel core to the right. Going to have alot of fun with this space!
Just out of interest what are the settings on your grey shader it looks really nice.
Any chance of some wires?
How modular are you going to make it?
littleclaude: Thanks! Yeah i'll post up some wires right now.
JasonLavoie : THanks yah sir
rambooze : Thanks rambooze! I'm a huge fan of your toxic caves! That came out SO good!
jk_virginia: Thanks jake! I'll give that a shot before i bake it down!
[HP]: Thanks HP! I'ts going to be fairly modular. The little mech maintenance coves will be modular as they repeat alot. I'm going to make some modular wall and floor kits as well. Huge fan of your work by the way. Great great stuff! Loved your scene from a movie.
Autocon: Thanks bud
spectre1130: You'll get there man! I saw your submarine, it looks good. Just keep at it!
Here's a small update, nothing too fancy. Just blocking out the maintenance coves for now. Moving onto finishing up the console. So the next update should be a finished console by sunday.
I'll be texturing it up all day tomorrow.
So this is my master material. I have tint masks and gloss map using the red and green channel of my "mask" texture, as well as reflection and glow. So i'm going to be using this master material for the whole of my scene.
Lightmap is wonky right now which will also be revisited.
Once the cove modeling and unwrapping is done i'll give the texture a proper spec.
+1 to the UV layout/texture sheet too
Going to probably ask for a favor on someone to design the mech for me
would've been neat to see the blue-ish lighting with the red light from below. new lighting feels a bit murky - possibly because it removes a fair bit of contrast from the orange parts compared to the rest of the scene. works better for the monitors though....
tricky one
Next up fleshing out that ceiling.
My suggestion: Have a bright light, almost sun shaft status, coming from the circular opening in the ceiling of the bay, then a red glow from the bay lights (that you already have) and a faint glow from the under bay with the ladder leading down. You then can use the consoles to throw some cold rim lighting in. That way you have the warm setup for the mech bay, and then blue rim lighting from the side consoles. I think it will lend very nicely to an awesomely lit scene.
The scene is AWESOME when you get past the lighting issues though, and I have been extremely excited to see what you are capable of, after seeing the insanely awesome, extremely detailed console high poly you did. Right now, your lighting is something that would fit an outdoor scene, where you are trying to hide seems, and create a swampy appearance (no offense what so ever meant by this), instead let your work shine and take control of the scene man! Let it be free!! lol
Goodluck! Will be following the progress!
I agree with pretty much all of Add3r's suggestions.
It would be a shame to waste perfectly good assets by having them cloaked in fog.
This is just a quick levels adjustment to help think about your lighting and contrast, obviously don't take it too literally.
love the scale tho.
make ur walkways look more like walkways
btw, amazing work. now im motivated to try my own scene.
Finished up a door. The pipes and hanging cords are WIP.
Some floaters seem to be very far off the actual surface (like the bolt indents on the top edge); how do you manage to bake those floaters? This is assuming you use a cage that, from my personal understanding, should be really really close to the original mesh to avoid distortion.
Do you bake with smoothing groups/split UVs, or do you bake a smoothed low poly (1 smooth group).
BTW LOVE your farcry stuff! Really really inspiring! I'd love to work in canada one day
spectre1130: Thanks! Yeah the lighting is definitely a' just kind of building it as i go and will take a good lighting pass after the meshes are all done.
BelgianBoolean: Thanks man!