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Tale of Marconi - 3D Game Environment

Chimi Jimi
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Chimi Jimi polygon
Hi Polycount,

Me and two other friends (Wolver and Jan_U) are working on a game environment project, and would love some crit.

The environment we're working on set in a 1500's, and consists of a large water filled gorge with a dam at one end, and a village built on top of the water, but in front of the dam.

Environment Concept by Wolver

The idea behind this location is that the inhabitants have moved down here for safety and protection from the dangerous environment surrounding them, so its kind of 'safe haven' type of environment.

We are working in a painterly style, reminiscent of bastion, but are trying keeping the environment as 'believable' as possible while still being interesting and striking.

We look forward to hearing all C&C. and hope that we can push this project as far as possible.


  • Chimi Jimi
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    Chimi Jimi polygon
    Hey polycount,

    thought i would get the ball rolling here is some AO renders of some of the items im working on just trying to get out a textured version from cryengine of the boat and also the shack that i have been working on.

    Town Tavern WIP

    Players Boat WIP


    Cryengine Screenshots


    Shack Cryengine Screenshots

    things to edit:
    Boat -
    Rope Texture to bright
    Create another texture for the hull and vertex paint
    Different texture for some of the sails

    Shanty house -
    Refine tiles and add pegs
    Make some of the planks strut out more in places so the front isnt completley flat

    I look forward to hearing from you :)
  • Chimi Jimi
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    Chimi Jimi polygon
    hey guys just an update from me i have been working on a painted wall texture for the inn and finished off the inns multiple roofs for the texture i plan on making another copy much like Jessica Dinh btw your work is amazing if you see this constantly watching your thread :P

    so heres the update so far.

    The image is abit blurry because its a straight screenshot from Maya

    The texture plan to make another version to break it up more and just make it more interesting
  • e-freak
    i like the idea, but I'd consider making a few more detailed and more-close up concepts of the scene to nail the look first!

    Can you show flats and wires on the boat? I'm trying to think how you did the UVs and textures for an asset this big :)
  • MisterSande
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    MisterSande polycounter lvl 8
    looking cool man but where is the high poly love ?
  • Chimi Jimi
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    Chimi Jimi polygon
    Hey guys,

    sorry about the delay been kind of busy learning little things in Cry like camera cutscenes and what i thought would only take a little while to learn took me about half a day :poly122:

    anyways no more excuses heres the wireframe sorry its been triangulated going to work on getting a quad version out soon the main bit that took the most polyies is the hull the curvature kinda slapped me in the face initially i had the hull decking and masts all layed out on a uv set but ran into the problem of having it all alot lower textile density compared to other stuff like the cannons so i ended up replacing all the textures for those and making tileable textures and mirroring as much as i can.

    while i was messing around in Cry i also took a shot of what the textures look like in game on the tavern


    Overall quite pleased with the turnout on the bricks though still need to work in a detail layer the floor decking is still being worked on to so much love will be given there.

    @MisterSande hehe dont worry ill be posting up alot of highpoly stuff soon just the only bit on the tavern i have to show is the roof really but yer promise to get out some fairly soon :)
  • Chimi Jimi
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    Chimi Jimi polygon
    been working on the lantern for the tavern and also the environment will end up doing a few different versions just to break it up abit heres the highpoly the curly bits would go all the way round but zbrush started to slow down after 2 so i stopped :P thinking of adding some leafs to the twirly section just to make it a tad more ornate.

  • jan_u
    I've been working on a grain storage tower. The spec could do with a bit of love, but this is what I've got so far.

  • Chimi Jimi
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    Chimi Jimi polygon
    hey guys a bit of an update had to make a few props to flesh out the scene im going to start keeping just the once scene for testing in cry as it seems lighting has quite a big affect on the colours


    Crate Texture Map

    There quite different so any help in how to match cry to the texture would be awesome though i have the feeling it is primarily down to the lighting in Cryengine

    High Poly stuff



  • Dvonio
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    Dvonio polycounter lvl 4
    Hey, it was going well! dont stop :P
  • Chimi Jimi
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    Chimi Jimi polygon
    Hey guys, a small update been focusing on getting some tiling textures sorted as the inn isn't the most modular of buildings im trying my best to keep texture sizes down but here's some high poly work everything on it is going to be mirrored least thats the plan so that hopefully i can get a nice amount of detail into them as these are all at base height and what the player would pretty much be looking at the entire time fingers crossed it works :P

  • Chimi Jimi
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    Chimi Jimi polygon
    hey guys another update well this one i'm looking for abit of help to be honest i have baked all the stuff above down to the low poly but then i started to think about the window coping thing (blocks above the window) so i have done a few paintover's its not much to look at just the coping edge but i was just wandering if you guys agreed that i should probably go for making then a redish colour which would be the top right.


    oh and i found a colour concept for the inn giving a general idea of where i was going colour wise


    any help much appreciated
  • Chimi Jimi
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    Chimi Jimi polygon
    So after waking up kinda still didnt like the window coping so changed it and went for a wooden themed version personally think this will fit alot better with the building

  • Chimi Jimi
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    Chimi Jimi polygon
    Hey guys been working on the textures for the first uv set here's some images so far



    Unlit and screenshotted from Maya plan to get more done before taking it into cry also think i will dirty up the textures once i have got a nice base for the entire inn.


    The UV's theres a gap in the middle for either the iron rings around the entrance pillars or the inn sign.

    Any feedback is greatly appreciated really want to make this as good as i possibly can :)
  • dpaynter26
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    dpaynter26 polycounter lvl 11
    Looking really good keep going! I'm really digging the hand painted style!
  • AlanSMitchell
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    AlanSMitchell polycounter lvl 14
    nit picking but change the background color in you diffuse to something other than white also maybe some subtle hue variation in the wood would be good I think.
  • AlanSMitchell
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    AlanSMitchell polycounter lvl 14
    btw digging the style don't slow down.
  • Chimi Jimi
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    Chimi Jimi polygon
    hey guys,

    just a progress update on the tavern


    still need to finish off everything white in the image so quite abit :P after that im going to start breaking up this mass of brown and grey with some ropes, canvas, plants, lanterns and crates basically going to make it look more lived in and start work on an alternate wall texture to to just make that one grey more interesting have to admit it is alot bigger and taking alot longer then i had anticipated :P

    i decided to go with wood on the outlet buildings just so that i can keep a sort of continuity (think thats the word) rather then introduce plaster i dunno probably wrong but i just felt wood would :D end up looking nicer
  • Sage
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    Sage polycounter lvl 20
    awesome work. keep going
  • Chimi Jimi
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    Chimi Jimi polygon
    Another progress update so its into cry now woo buuuutt still along way off going to go back fix some uv's while i make the plants and hopefully wack on some rope which is alot easier then i was expecting decided to go with night in the end as i get to fiddle around with the lighting more i dunno just found the daytime abit over bearing and having lanterns on and such really doesn't work in the day :P oo and cloth def want to have some sort of flag/banner thing draping from one of the levels hmm maybe some netting with boxes in could be cool aswel.




    if anyone knows what that shadow parsams means in the corner please help :D also is it possible to light link in a game engine im used to lighting in Maya but getting the feeling in games its more like real life lighting but anyways any feedback is greatly appreciated again.

    oh almost forgot i took your advice dudealan and started adding variation to the wood i just need to be a bit more bold with doing it was just testing to see how much it would come out in cry and yer i need to boost it alot lol you can sort of see the variations in i think the first image but just wanted to say cheers will def keep pushing colour values :)
  • Chimi Jimi
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    Chimi Jimi polygon
    just a small update started to add in some foliage will be bringing in a fair bit more also im thinking of putting flowers or some kind of fruit hanging from the leaves also did some tweaks to parts of the upper most balcony and the door braces just to make the texture lay on much better then it did previously. Oh also added a path around the tavern and customs office again i plan to vertex paint the path to create some dirtier patches/ worn patches and im thinking i can make another set of curbing that is damaged and then interesect it at points just so its not a clean line all the way around.

    but yer its only a small update have been pretty dam busy since the last post and would have liked to have done more if im honest :(



    The plant itself i am going to revise i want to make it more recognizable it was based off the following image but i want to make it more narrow leafed like the second image as that would be more typical in warmer climates where plants do not have to compete for sunlight.


  • tottot
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    tottot polycounter lvl 10
    Oh man I'm really digging this!
  • Seaseme
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    Seaseme polycounter lvl 8
    I think this is looking great! I think the thing that worries me most is that the style of your textures and the style of your models to not match.. like, at all. I think either you need to give some more personality to the models, or take your textures to the more realistic style of the models.

    OTher than that, lookin strong!
  • Chimi Jimi
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    Chimi Jimi polygon
    true the initial idea was to have something that was styalised while retaining a real world feel to the land, out of all the buildings planned i know this one to be the most unusual.
    A small problem is i quite easily go full styalised and keep checking with the group to sort of pull me back to where we want do you think i should tone back the textures on the tavern im just worried if i do that i might lose some of the charm in the model.
  • Chimi Jimi
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    Chimi Jimi polygon
    some changes inbetween sorting out and getting ready for christmas hope your all having an awesome christmas :)


    New version of the shack previously just redrew some ideas and then started building
  • Chimi Jimi
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    Chimi Jimi polygon
    bit of a progress update on the reworked shack the grey bits will have just a tiling wood texture on them tho im thinking of working into the steps as i have a little bit of space free on the uv map and may as well make use of it

    Maya viewpoint screengrab currently sitting at 4k triangles or 2k poly


  • Chimi Jimi
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    Chimi Jimi polygon
    finished off painting all the wood planks on the house not sure i want to ever see wood again :P

    ended up putting metal onto the door just to bring the door out from the walls i also plan to add a few things to break up the wood just abit more though not trying to takeaway the fact it is a wooden shack that is built above water
  • Chimi Jimi
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    Chimi Jimi polygon
    update on the shack been quite a while since the last update though hope you all had a great christmas and plan to have a awsome new years :)


    planning to add plants to the windows and make some grass blades around the base ooo and some pots basically lived in stuff :P
  • Chimi Jimi
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    Chimi Jimi polygon
    Another update small changes here and there also added a wood store which can be placed against any building as a modular piece :)

  • carlobarley
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    carlobarley polycounter lvl 9
    Very nice! rawr keep it up
  • Chimi Jimi
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    Chimi Jimi polygon
    cheers for the kind words :)

    a small update on the tavern made more variation in the wood and got round to vertex painting the walls and deck personally think it just adds abit of variation to the walls , just missing lots of beer kegs and some plants the grey building on the side is by Jan_U. :)


  • JamieRIOT
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    JamieRIOT polycounter lvl 6
    This is coming along really nicely. I actually like the stylised textures with the slightly less wacky architecture, makes it a bit different.
  • AlanSMitchell
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    AlanSMitchell polycounter lvl 14
    HOLY CRAP Great job!
  • Clos323
    this is freaking sweet. good job
  • ftorek
    impressive - i really like the way it's... hmm.. busy and full of details! all the ropes and un-even, singular planks sticking out

    i'm not sure about that small triangular window sticking out of the big chunk of roof of the ground floor - looks a bit disconnected from the roof - it's like an extra piece just sitting there and not being part of the roof

    also - what are them gray/black stripes going across the bottom floor's roof??

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