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Top down ship shooter

polycounter lvl 17
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tucho polycounter lvl 17
Hi people, I started to work with a programmer on a personal game project, it will be a classic top down ship shooter for iPhone/iPad, the project has no title yet and as we are working on it on our free time we don't know how many time will take its development.

Here are the first ships that I made for this project, I'll keep posting on this thread pictures of all the models related with this project.

I hope you like it, as always crits and comments are welcome :)




This dragonfly like ship will be the smallest boss.




  • tucho
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    tucho polycounter lvl 17
    One more model, this time the player ship, I hope to post some screenshots of the prototype soon :)

  • Weirdboy
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    Weirdboy polycounter lvl 5
    I'm loving the design for the player's ship.
  • tucho
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    tucho polycounter lvl 17
    Thanks for your comments Weirdboy, I'm glad you like it :), the desing of the player's ship is clearly inspired on the Metal Slug vehicles, the idea is to difference this ship (human) from the enemy ones (alien) which will be insect like ships.
  • Weirdboy
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    Weirdboy polycounter lvl 5
    After seeing the concept for that ship in the lowpoly thread thread a few days back I tried to make an ship my self, if it's not to much trouble, can I see a larger view of the wireframes, particularly the wings? Wings always give me a hard time.
  • tucho
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    tucho polycounter lvl 17
    Sure, here you have bigger images of the wires, but topology of this model is not great, as we don't have any light ingame I didn't care about to have too many poles, etc...

  • tucho
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    tucho polycounter lvl 17
    I started to work on the first environment, it is still really W.I.P. but here you can see a couple of ingame screenshots and a wire. I'm using just a 2048x2048 texture atlas for the whole map (and another 2k map for the ligthmap) I just used about 1/3 of the texture space, but I still have to add a lot of textures to this atlas: gardens, highways, bridges, alien objects, etc... so I'll need at least another week of work to complete it.


  • m1neh
    Neat art style, spesh with the ship and enemies! sub'd
  • tucho
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    tucho polycounter lvl 17
    Thanks for your comments m1neh, I'm glad you like my art style :D

    Just a small update and a video


    [ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=93flBUH4Sq8&fmt=18"]Shooter W.I.P. - YouTube[/ame]
  • Kbrom12
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    Kbrom12 polycounter lvl 14
    This is pretty cool dude. It brings me back to the days when I used to play games on my graphics calculator in high school, but in 3d :)
  • letronrael
    what engine did you use?
  • tucho
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    tucho polycounter lvl 17
    Thanks for your comments guys :)

    @Kbrom12: I'm trying that the graphics have retro look to the game experience be similar to the one of the old games, but using current technology :)

    @letronrael: We're using Unity 3D
  • laperen
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    laperen polycounter lvl 11
    its abit wierd that the dragonflies are flying sideways, almost like they are drifting in the wind.
    maybe its an issue u know and will fix, just mentioning though
  • melihucar
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    melihucar polycounter lvl 5
    great job. I really like the comic style "boom" effect. that was great.
  • tucho
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    tucho polycounter lvl 17
    Thanks for your comments laperen and melihucar :)

    @laperen: the game is on the earliest stages of its development, so all the things are really W.I.P. for now. We have to tweak and improve all the aspects.

    @Meliucar: thanks! most of the particles are still placeholders, we have to improve them, but probably we keep the "boom" efect adding more variants :)
  • low_seb
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    low_seb polycounter lvl 13
    nice art style ,tha player ship is realy nice
  • tucho
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    tucho polycounter lvl 17
    Thanks for your kind comments low_seb :)

    Just an update of the environment, I added a lot of small elements to the scene, I'll keep adding elements the next days.

  • futurepoly
    awesome, I'd buy this!
  • tucho
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    tucho polycounter lvl 17
    haha thanks futurepoly! :D, I'll remember it to you if we get to finish and release this project ;)
  • Computron
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    Computron polycounter lvl 13
  • laperen
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    laperen polycounter lvl 11
    k, was just putting it out there, and btw amazing progress
  • Darkleopard
    Looks awesome so far! I really think you could make the player ship pop out more from the background though. That's probably the only thing i have to crit :P
  • tucho
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    tucho polycounter lvl 17
    Thanks for your comments people :D

    @Darkleopard: We already augmented a bit the size of the ships, but once I finish the environment I must tweak the color scheme of the enviro and the player ship to separate them a bit more.

    Just an update of the city, I added some more props and decals (ships are resized too)

    [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hg-D8tTrZbA&feature=plcp&fmt=18]Shooter W.I.P. - YouTube[/ame]
  • rooster
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    rooster mod
    looking promising! one thing bugging me, shouldn't the right enemy wing dip if it moves to it's right? and vice versa
  • tucho
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    tucho polycounter lvl 17
    Thanks for your comments rooster :), you're right, in this video seems that the dragonfly dips its wings in the wrong way, but it is because the dragonfly is going backward (it seems that it is going forward because the scenario is panning below the ships) when it goes forward, it dips its wings in the right way... all the paths, etc. are really W.I.P so we need to fix and tweak a lot of things.
  • St4lis
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    St4lis polycounter lvl 7
    Looks very good. I love the ship and the city
  • tucho
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    tucho polycounter lvl 17
    Thanks for your comment St4lis, I'm glad you like it :D

    Long time without posting anything about my project, I was pretty busy at work lately, so I didn't have too much time to work on our own project and it is still on course, slowly but surely :)

    We started to use "Full Blast" as working title for our project, maybe we change it in the future, but for now it is better than just "Shooter"


    First level is almost done, here you can see some screenshots both from Max and from the game itself. As you can see, finally we use a top down camera instead of the isometric one, which looks more cool, but creates some gameplay issues.



    You also can see a couple of videos

    [ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nVG9gtLOb68"]Tileset City (3ds Max) - YouTube[/ame]

    [ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VGpW-m5ok98"]Tileset City (ingame) - YouTube[/ame]
  • rouncer
    pretty cool, a few suggestions, since im a game programmer myself.

    a) you should make the player ship spin a little when it goes left and right

    b) you are wasting that content with that view! you should have a special zoom through mode from afterburner view :) that would be cool.

    c) the enemy ship animation is a little mechanical and lifeless. (maybe record a few spin roll paths for the enemy ships?)

    d) you should pack even more particles in, i always do.

    really amazing new look to it tho... my graphics have never been at this stage before, but i have made a few next gen top down shooters, mine are REALLY hectic :) a thing i had in mine was warning buzzers when enemy ships come in, it kinda makes it exciting when that happens, but in my game it was all going 100000 miles an hour, it was psycho. :D
  • rouncer
    p.s. i dare you to lend me the content, and ill make it wiz bang for ya. hehe
  • tucho
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    tucho polycounter lvl 17
    Thanks for your comments Rouncer, I'm glad you like my work :)
    a) you should make the player ship spin a little when it goes left and right

    In fact it does, but just on the compiled version for mobile and tablet devices, the video is taken from the editor on a PC.
    b) you are wasting that content with that view! you should have a special zoom through mode from afterburner view that would be cool.

    all the content is visible ingame, we just leave a bit of margin to the camera pans a bit to left and right wen the player moves horizontally to make the game a bit less oppresive
    the enemy ship animation is a little mechanical and lifeless. (maybe record a few spin roll paths for the enemy ships?)

    The programmer is working on that
    ) you should pack even more particles in, i always do.

    For now particles are just placeholders, we will improve all of them, but I don't think that we add more of them, because particles are one of the bottle necks that we have to get a decent framerate on handheld devices.
    p.s. i dare you to lend me the content, and ill make it wiz bang for ya. hehe

    hah, I already have a programmer for this project, but thanks anyway for your offer :)

    I forget to post it yesterday, it is just a spoiler of the incoming enemies ;)

  • TheDerpyChicken
    I think this looks awesome.
  • renderhjs
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    renderhjs sublime tool
  • SimonT
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    SimonT interpolator
    this looks really really good!
  • Ged
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    Ged interpolator
    the player ship is a bit hard to spot considering it seems to be almost the same colour as the background, its a really nice 3d city and looks fun but the game overall seems a little too desaturated and lacking colours that really pop out, maybe if the player, the enemies and the explosions are really colourful and shiny it will be more exciting.
  • amsmntparks
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    amsmntparks polycounter lvl 18
    Good stuff. Have you tried using 2 camera system? A perspective camera for the backgrounds and an isometric one for the ships and bullets? It could give you the best of both worlds (or look absolutely crazy, I'm not sure). You might also be able to cheat the perspective by moving the enemy bullets higher and player bullets lower so they don't look like they collide with the ships too soon.
  • TonyClifton
    Well done so far! Subscribed!
  • SolCommand
    I think its safe to say this rocks ! :)
  • Blaisoid
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    Blaisoid polycounter lvl 7
    nice! looking at this made me wanna play Tyrian 2000 again.

    i kinda agree that city feels a bit dull at the moment. perhaps there are some ways to make it less monochrome while retaining relative clarity.
  • kautsar211086
    super nice art! are you use baked lighting or use dynamic lighting?
    how about the building, are they in each gameobject or all tilesets in one fbx?
    good work dude!
  • tucho
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    tucho polycounter lvl 17
    Thanks for your comments people :D, I'm really glad that our project is being so well received.
    the player ship is a bit hard to spot considering it seems to be almost the same colour as the background, its a really nice 3d city and looks fun but the game overall seems a little too desaturated and lacking colours that really pop out, maybe if the player, the enemies and the explosions are really colourful and shiny it will be more exciting.

    Yep, many people said it to me... maybe I change the ship color in the future
    Good stuff. Have you tried using 2 camera system? A perspective camera for the backgrounds and an isometric one for the ships and bullets? It could give you the best of both worlds (or look absolutely crazy, I'm not sure). You might also be able to cheat the perspective by moving the enemy bullets higher and player bullets lower so they don't look like they collide with the ships too soon.

    This is not doable, because we have also enemies on the ground, we had to fake the collisions to they work as 2D but all the graphics must be drawn in 3D.
    i kinda agree that city feels a bit dull at the moment. perhaps there are some ways to make it less monochrome while retaining relative clarity.

    Yep, I'm working on that, the last thing that I did was tint a bit the lightmap, in the last video it looks a bit less desaturated. Anyway in the videos the compression makes it much more monocrhome than the game itself, in the screenshots you can see much better the actual color
    super nice art! are you use baked lighting or use dynamic lighting?
    how about the building, are they in each gameobject or all tilesets in one fbx?
    good work dude!

    All lighting is baked, I use a 2048 lightmap for the whole level and the level is compounded by 5 different geometry tiles (about 10k tris each) which are placed randomly along the game, so each game in fact is different :)

    Just another update of our project: the first land enemy and a new video, this time captured directly from the tablet.



    [ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nn6SWSpUP_I"]FullBlast teaser - YouTube[/ame]
  • tucho
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    tucho polycounter lvl 17
    just another ship

  • Minos
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    Minos polycounter lvl 16
  • dpadam450
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    dpadam450 polycounter lvl 12
    Good stuff. I liked the first video how you are 3/4 view instead of straight top down and the camera with no rotation. Makes it more original.
  • ultra
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    ultra polycounter lvl 18
    So cool!
    What is the resolution? should consider to do a pc version as well and try it to sell from steam, gamepad compatibility or cursor, space and Alt keys works very nice

  • BradMyers82
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    BradMyers82 interpolator
    Wow, I love this! The models look really clean and have a nice style to them. Seeing the cars driving on the ground is a bit distracting and probably doesn't make sense, (people would be panicing, right?) But I think it looks really awesome despite this. Keep up the great work!
  • tucho
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    tucho polycounter lvl 17
    Thanks for your comments people! :D
    Good stuff. I liked the first video how you are 3/4 view instead of straight top down and the camera with no rotation. Makes it more original

    Yep, it looks much better, but we had a lot of gameplay issues and finally we had to use the typical straight top down camera... I guess that it is the reason because ther is not any isometric shooter.
    So cool!
    What is the resolution? should consider to do a pc version as well and try it to sell from steam, gamepad compatibility or cursor, space and Alt keys works very nice

    The resolution depends on the device, on my Samsung galaxy tab I run it at 1280x800. We are focusing on Android and iOS devices for now, but once the game be released if we get a decent sales we will port it to more platforms of course :), maybe PC, Mac, Ouya, etc...
    Wow, I love this! The models look really clean and have a nice style to them. Seeing the cars driving on the ground is a bit distracting and probably doesn't make sense, (people would be panicing, right?) But I think it looks really awesome despite this. Keep up the great work!

    The cars driving on the ground just be at the first level, next levels the city will be more and more destroyed and the cars will be replaced by land enemies.

    More updates of our project:

    Following the advices of many artists in this forum, I changed the player ship colors for a more eye catching color escheme, I think that it looks much better now :)


    some concepts


    A new enemy ship


    We decided to use a comic like picture for each level in the loading screens, here is the first test that I made

  • TonyClifton
    The game is looking better and better (and it looks great already)! I like the comic-like loading screens, nice touch. Hey, what about performance, I mean do you experience limitation with the Unity engine? For example, did you delete any polygons on the bottom of the models or was that not necessary?
  • tucho
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    tucho polycounter lvl 17
    Thanks for your comments TonyClifton :)

    I didn't remove any polygons on the bottom of the ships because they rotates sometimes, so all their parts may be visible but I did it on the environment, I removed all non visible polygons: all the backside ones and the left side ones on the buildings from left side to center and right side ones on the buildings from right side to center. It saves about a 20% (or even 30% in somes cases) of the global polycount and helps a lot to improve the performance.
  • TonyClifton
    Thanks for the reply, tucho! We are working on a 3D combat strategy game for mobile and having some performance issues.
  • tucho
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    tucho polycounter lvl 17
    Hi Guys and Gals, finally we found some time to finish the level 2 of our game project (we plan to make 9 levels for the first release). Here you can see some pics of assets for this level and some screenshots of the level itself.

    As always crits and comments are welcome :)



  • Amsterdam Hilton Hotel
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    Amsterdam Hilton Hotel insane polycounter
    this looks better and better every time i come back to this thread. the crab turret is a great design and having the environment disrupted around it is killer
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