Hey guys, I really want to put a cool spaceship on my portfolio. Originally I was going to go off of a concept but then thought, why not try and design my own?
Here are some rough sketches. The dark areas are gribbly mechanical bits and pipes and stuff, light areas would be armour or main hull.
Not sure which direction I want to go (large carrier or small fighter jet?) so I thought I'd come here to see which way people think I should go.

Here's the colour scheme I'm thinking of:

Style will be realistic next gen...So, which concept should I polish/add to?
Hopefully I'll start modeling this soon!
If I had to say one thing about it, it would be that I liked these shapes in your original thumbnail:
But you didn't translate them to the new concept. Really I guess it's just a matter of personal preference, but I thought those pieces were cool looking.