Hey everyone!! The
Gearbox Art Team has prepared some images of some of the art that went into
Borderlands 2. Having worked with this team for 2 years now, I have to say that they are nothing short of AMAZING!!!! ENJOY!!

Some of us don't have a Polycount name so I'll be posting their art work for them.
It's called a Southpaw pump because I had to make it with my left hand v:
bandit assault rifle
(reworked gun)
torgue pistol
vladof AR
maliwan smg
Thanks for sharing. Lots of cool stuff.
Tiny Tina, and Clap Trap are two of my favorite characters ever in a game.
Great job! Oozes so much style.
Yeah, this thread got pretty damn heavy... I hope we didn't break it...
if I may ask - do the modelers texture as well or (as I'm assuming) is there a specific texturing crew?
Amazing work! Maybe biggest dump ever on PC?
I wish Ellie was a playable character!
- BoBo