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Texture - TileMossFloor

Hey guys,
Just finished a new texture, i'm pretty satisfied (for a change) ^^
Please tell me what u think!




  • Dark Shadows
    Looks really cool Spazzme. The textures in my opinion look good, but the way some of the moss is shaped looks kind of unnatural. Hard to say without seeing it in an actual environment.
    Great job. Wish my stuff looked that good :)
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    [Deleted User] insane polycounter
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  • DLoud
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    DLoud polycounter lvl 15
    I agree with the comments above, the shape of the moss is feeling weird. Also, is this intended to be a tileable texture or one that covers an entire floor? If it's tileable, you'll see all these shapes repeating very clearly. Perhaps this is something better achieved in the material rather than the texture.
  • Spazzme
    Thanks for all the feedback!

    Dark Shadows:
    Were do u feel it looks unnatural? :)

    The reason i didn't put any in the seams is that in my head, the floor plates are close, that's why i made it look like the "moss" pushed some of them up to be able to get out ^^

    Nope, it's not a tillable texture. Haha i agree with you, that would look rly bad!
    I did it as an experiment.
  • joe gracey
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    joe gracey polycounter lvl 11
    My opinion, having some of the moss in the cracks would help ground the moss more. Also, maybe dirtying up the tiles more?
  • Spazzme
    I did it like that on another texture, but my vision for this one is that it's indoors, in a city witch nature have claimed back. So the flood should be in like a hotel lobby or something. My idea was that the moss or vegetation have been coming up from the ground and pushed the floor tiles up.
  • superdenny707
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    superdenny707 polycounter lvl 14
    I can kinda see where you were going, but right now I think joe gracey is right. At the moment it looks more like the moss is just sitting on top of the floor. if it was more lined up in the cracks, maybe a few displaced tiles here and there, it would look more like it was coming from underneath.
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