Decided to post my work from class on here so I can get even more feedback. Feel free to comment away. It has occurred to me this will be a very large first post...please forgive me. I will split Spring and Fall on different posts on this thread to make it easier on mostly me. Anything in fall I am still working on and will still be making time to tweak before the end of the semester.
Love the highpolys my inspiration folder eat most of them right away. Your textures reminds me of cs:go. But i'm not sure but i would probably not go pitch black on the bikes diffuse, i don't think i have anything more to give feedback on. Would it be to much to ask to see the pistols base for the highpoly?
Fantastic work! I agree with S_ource about the bike's colour. Also the chair is great, but you could add a bit of interest with a simple tear near the base or somewhere. Even something well kept can get a little tear where it would get pinched, etc. Also the outlet prop seems too clean, especially for something that would be used in conjunction with tools, outdoor-y stuff, etc.
Wesley> Thanks. Yea, once I have a little time I will probably redo the cushions to add some wear and tear. For some reason when I was making it I never noticed the obvious difference in how everything is worn...except the cushions haha.
MisterSande> Thanks. The detail work was just done by sub-d modeling flat then bent with the rest of the helmet parts.
coots7> Yea haha, not exactly what people think of when they make props, but the shapes provided hard challenge in the making of the high poly.
S_ource> Thanks for the feedback. After that bike I realized solid black should not be as solid black as it is and just use contrast to make it seem black. as for the pistol base mesh I believe this is what you would like?
Wow these are all amazing!
The textures are a bit too clean though imo.
E.g. the base on the chair is too clean compared to the rest of the chair.
Looks great though!
nedwork> Thanks. I want to put them in UDK however for now they are rendered in Marmoset engine as the tool bag allows for quick rendering/on the fly updating.
dirigible> Thanks
komaokc> Thanks. I will keep that in mind when I go back over the objects for this semester. I really want to add some dirt to the tires etc. During downtime I will try to get around to fixing the chair textures.
Chernoblesse.Oblige > Sorry for not replying to this earlier.
For the motorbike I drew wires over a side image and then just built from a plane to get the general shape and proportions. I had tried to just build it from an image plane however that was a headache. So drawing a real quick wire flow greatly helped. Once the main body was made from there its just small pieces everywhere.
Here is an update. HP shots of the bicycle and a new object. Now going to go back and continue tweaking over. I try to keep to the reference as much as possible...but probably will dirty some things up so they do not look so bright and shiny and new. Especially as that seems to be the main concern with my textures it seems! haha
FractaL> Thanks! All the hard-surface work is done in max. For cloth/cushions I did that in zbrush.
Here is my last project for my class this semester. As it is closing to the end I have taken time to go back and tweak all my previous work! As all the pictures are external links they have been updated with the new versions (kinda sucks as cannot compare to old versions...but I did not want to flood the page again). I tried to make some things more dirty and define the textures as well as tweak the mesh where possible. All HPs are now re-rendered with more AO love in max.
Cheers, and thanks everyone for the feedback! Now to do more art!:)
Really great work. Good style and flow to each piece. My only gripe would be that I don't think that motorbike needs to be a 2048. Hell, it could probably be a 512 seeing as more than half of the map is just black.
joshmtyler> Thanks for the input! Yea, I think my mistake on that one was on the HP I did not make the grill thick enough so that it would be able to pull off a lower texture, the aliasing mucks it up. Going to give it a try though. been wanting to fix how black that diffuse is anyways.
New semester new work. I tried to do an Environment oriented piece first and am going to have to get some extra time to finish it up. However here is some classic prop work of a blunderbuss as well!
Your work is really fantastic. My only comment would be that everything looks a little too clean. Making props which look clean and relatively new (or just well cared for) is not necessarily a bad thing. But it wouldn't hurt to make a couple of pieces that look a little more worn, with more dirt build-up in crevices, worn edges, chipped paint, etc, just for the sake of variation.
You did a pretty good job of making the flint lock pistol look worn, but there are a couple of little details that could help sell the look a bit more. For instance, there could be more oil buildup on the wooden part of the handle, where a person's hand touches it the most. There could be more scratches on the mechanical parts, particularly where the hammer gets cocked back and forth repeatedly. Unless of course your intention was to show a pistol that hasn't really been used a lot, but rather kept in storage or some kind of gun collection, in which case disregard those last two comments . In any case, keep up the great work!
Moondog760> Yea, getting dirty seems to be something I need to work on. I am trying to keep close to the reference as that's the goal (so if its dirty go dirty if its clean go clean haha), however I think your right that those additions to the objects would help. It is something I am trying to work on and improve on! Though I am trying to be careful since I mirror a lot to save texture space. last thing I need is a Rorschach test looking texture
Well here is the LP and maps of the blunderbuss. Took longer then I wanted as I was sick as hell while I worked on it. So do not exactly remember most of the middle part of building it *shrug* Was fun either way
Here is my next project. Much more heavy then the gun so taking more time. I still need to go do another pass over the HP I think; make sure nothings weird and add any details needed. But here is a shot!
razz> Thanks! Yea, I want to spend more time on some of the textures. Really making sure metal looks like metal etc is something I am still working on.
HP render looks good.
Your LP texturing is getting there for sure.
I can see material definition, but the overall shot angles are too dark.
From what it looks like in the reference, the motorcycle is not very shiny.
But I think your spec could be pushed a lot more. So it might also be the lighting is not hitting the specular areas and its obscuring a lot of cool details. I'm sure your not done with it. I'm liking the dirt and subtle scratches, side directionality of dirt sratches is cool.
Maybe adding more lights in marmoset might help shine multiple areas that show scratched metal well.
I think I'm in love, these shots are so good. Gives me a lot of inspiration. I just want to note on the motorcycle, the latest one with the sidecar, like demillch said, its not shiny, it looks more like it was painted with house paint instead of car paint. needs some shine to it. it really seems like if i run my hand across it, that it would be extremely course and bubbly like it needs to be sanded badly.
demilich> Thanks for the advice Alan! Yea I am going to push the contrast on the spec some more but I think your right about the lights. When I spin it I get those pings but the renders there just look flat. I am going to have to play with it some more.
serriffe> Thanks!
luge> Thanks for the advice! Glad to hear I am inspiring ya!
Ehsan Gamer> thanks
Here is a new project, just finished up the High Poly. Its the Arc Generator Gun from District 9. Was fun! I always wanted to make this gun, so glad I can finally do it. Nice blend of hard surface and some Organic hard surface. Now on to the low!
mospheric> Thanks! I work hard to try to have clean wires etc.
Chase> haha, you can see the LP of the motorcycle up a few posts, but I will be updating that soon.
And here is a WIP shot of the district 9 arc generator gun! I want to do some minor touch ups as this weekend we have a local portfolio review and wanna be ready for it!
this ended up being a pretty high low poly (or at least I feel it is) went about it as a First person type weapon and the front repeating parts and canisters add geo like mad. Count is at 7800 tris.
Alrighty! Started the last project for this class, here is the HP! after I finish the LP and all for this I will get to go in and start re-working any of the older objects. So that will be good!
Some updates! Here is a LP and an updated HP for the previous vehicle. I am also working on an aged texture for this one as the reference it is based on is fairly repaired/new and thus a little boring haha. So here is a WIP of the aged version as well
The glass seems too opaque; this applies to the windshield, the rear window, and the headlight.
The angle between the front and side might be a bit too smooth; looking at the reference image, the front has a distinctly different shade than the side, with a fairly sharp curve indicated by a highlight.
DWalker> Thanks for the advice! I tried to improve the texture a bit accordingly.
Well, today is the end of the semester so I have gotten time to work over a few things. I have updated most of them so here are the final LP shots. I do not want to spam it all as it would be a bit heavy, so you can see the HPs and Map sheets on my website ( ). Feel free to take a look at my site as well and leave any feedback for that also! Otherwise, here are the updated LPs!
holy crap, dude! I'm currently working on a model of the custom streamliner bike and decided to do a keyword search on here for "motorcycle" reference and was suprised as all hell to see in the first thread i clicked on that someone else had done the exact bike i am trying to do. nice job by the way
Haven't had a chance to do proper renders of the bicycle HP but here is one shot.
How did you do the details on the samurai helmet ? (the barok patterns etc.)
But really, awesome work!
MisterSande> Thanks. The detail work was just done by sub-d modeling flat then bent with the rest of the helmet parts.
coots7> Yea haha, not exactly what people think of when they make props, but the shapes provided hard challenge in the making of the high poly.
S_ource> Thanks for the feedback. After that bike I realized solid black should not be as solid black as it is and just use contrast to make it seem black. as for the pistol base mesh I believe this is what you would like?
The textures are a bit too clean though imo.
E.g. the base on the chair is too clean compared to the rest of the chair.
Looks great though!
nedwork> Thanks. I want to put them in UDK however for now they are rendered in Marmoset engine as the tool bag allows for quick rendering/on the fly updating.
dirigible> Thanks
komaokc> Thanks. I will keep that in mind when I go back over the objects for this semester. I really want to add some dirt to the tires etc. During downtime I will try to get around to fixing the chair textures.
For the motorbike I drew wires over a side image and then just built from a plane to get the general shape and proportions. I had tried to just build it from an image plane however that was a headache. So drawing a real quick wire flow greatly helped. Once the main body was made from there its just small pieces everywhere.
Here is an update. HP shots of the bicycle and a new object. Now going to go back and continue tweaking over.
Im really impressed with the textures and high poly work. Overall great job. I'm not good enough to give you critique but this is amazing!
Here is my last project for my class this semester. As it is closing to the end I have taken time to go back and tweak all my previous work! As all the pictures are external links they have been updated with the new versions (kinda sucks as cannot compare to old versions...but I did not want to flood the page again). I tried to make some things more dirty and define the textures as well as tweak the mesh where possible. All HPs are now re-rendered with more AO love in max.
Cheers, and thanks everyone for the feedback! Now to do more art!:)
joshmtyler> Thanks for the input! Yea, I think my mistake on that one was on the HP I did not make the grill thick enough so that it would be able to pull off a lower texture, the aliasing mucks it up. Going to give it a try though.
You did a pretty good job of making the flint lock pistol look worn, but there are a couple of little details that could help sell the look a bit more. For instance, there could be more oil buildup on the wooden part of the handle, where a person's hand touches it the most. There could be more scratches on the mechanical parts, particularly where the hammer gets cocked back and forth repeatedly. Unless of course your intention was to show a pistol that hasn't really been used a lot, but rather kept in storage or some kind of gun collection, in which case disregard those last two comments
Well here is the LP and maps of the blunderbuss. Took longer then I wanted as I was sick as hell while I worked on it. So do not exactly remember most of the middle part of building it *shrug* Was fun either way
Here is my next project. Much more heavy then the gun so taking more time. I still need to go do another pass over the HP I think; make sure nothings weird and add any details needed. But here is a shot!
HP render looks good.
Your LP texturing is getting there for sure.
I can see material definition, but the overall shot angles are too dark.
From what it looks like in the reference, the motorcycle is not very shiny.
But I think your spec could be pushed a lot more. So it might also be the lighting is not hitting the specular areas and its obscuring a lot of cool details. I'm sure your not done with it. I'm liking the dirt and subtle scratches, side directionality of dirt sratches is cool.
Maybe adding more lights in marmoset might help shine multiple areas that show scratched metal well.
serriffe> Thanks!
luge> Thanks for the advice! Glad to hear I am inspiring ya!
Ehsan Gamer> thanks
Here is a new project, just finished up the High Poly. Its the Arc Generator Gun from District 9. Was fun! I always wanted to make this gun, so glad I can finally do it. Nice blend of hard surface and some Organic hard surface. Now on to the low!
Now time to get on to that low-poly!
Chase> haha, you can see the LP of the motorcycle up a few posts, but I will be updating that soon.
And here is a WIP shot of the district 9 arc generator gun! I want to do some minor touch ups as this weekend we have a local portfolio review and wanna be ready for it!
this ended up being a pretty high low poly (or at least I feel it is) went about it as a First person type weapon and the front repeating parts and canisters add geo like mad. Count is at 7800 tris.
Thanks for looking
The angle between the front and side might be a bit too smooth; looking at the reference image, the front has a distinctly different shade than the side, with a fairly sharp curve indicated by a highlight.
The tire textures seem a bit too bright.
Well, today is the end of the semester so I have gotten time to work over a few things. I have updated most of them so here are the final LP shots. I do not want to spam it all as it would be a bit heavy, so you can see the HPs and Map sheets on my website ( ). Feel free to take a look at my site as well and leave any feedback for that also! Otherwise, here are the updated LPs!