Hey guys, here is a sculpt i have been working on today, if i like how he turns out may turn him into Cable from Marvels Xmen. Although Cable is usually depicted as freaking huge so may make him bigger.
How is he looking so far? I've been trying to work on my anatomy a bit. Crits welcome

Also a back view would be nice.
I'm no anatomy expert so I could be wrong.
His serratus muscles look oddly shaped.
"Neck muscles" are way too prominent.
Ankles and wrists should be narrower.
Thighs should be bigger, calves smaller.
Upper body is too big/muscular compared to lower body. A lot of people tend to do this, if you want someone with weak legs that's okay.
Triceps (from what I can see) and deltoids seem to be too small compared to biceps
forearms might be slightly too big as-well.
Chest+abdomen are too defined compared to the rest of his body.
Traps need some work.
You should definitely look at some pictures of bodybuilders for reference, BUT don't look at pictures where they are tensing their muscles because then you'll have an incorrect image of the muscles. And pictures of them in off-season without a "pump" can help too for a more realistic anatomy.