Being a huge fan of original book, I'm all excited about this movie, even though it seems they've changed the way they'll show main events. It's probably no longer a series of interviews taken after the war. Anyway, trailer shows that feel of global disaster and why army fails to stop undead horde. Shot where zombies are piling up to get over fort walls is just awesome.
[ame=""]World War Z Official Trailer
#1 (2013) - Brad Pitt Movie HD - YouTube[/ame]
I loved the book but from the trailer I'm quite dubious. The zombies just seemed like the 'vampires' from I Am Legend instead of the shamblers from the book, probably to make things more actiony. As you say it seems they're not doing it as interviews, I'm guessing to try and turn the story into a single thread. Not much is shown but I honestly just don't get the feeling this movie will do the book justice.
I absolutely love the book and have read it a few times so the Z-heads being runners is a put-off right away. So many of the good tense moments were just the overwhelming numbers and the military's high-tech weaponry being more of a detriment since so much of it didn't result in head-shot.
I dunno, I always thought this would be a perfect Band of Brothers style HBO mini-series. Here's hoping they at least include the Catacombs. And the North Korea bit, that was so creepy-awesome... damnit this is gonna suck compared to the book.
If it gonna suck - oh well. I'd rather have a shitty zombie movie than no movie at all :>
I don't know anything about the book, so I won't comment on the story line but the CG is one of the worse I've seen lately. It looks like a bad "crowd/physics tech demo" with a lot of post prod slapped on it.
I'll probably give it a shot since I'm a sucker for anything Zombie related, but this trailer didn't excite me AT ALL.
(I should probably read the book?)
Usually fast zombies take the creepiness away for me, But I think seeing a crowd stampede onto itself is pretty disturbing :P Sheer panic! (lol @ zombie stackin tho)
I`ve never read the book so admittedly I don't entirely know how true to the source any of this is.
How come half of the people are getting killed by single driver vehicles in mass, especially law enforcements? Do they have magnets?
What are people running from in the first place, in mass when they most likely don't see anything, or considering them zombies look still pretty human and all?
How do they know where and how to setup choke-points in the first place when everyone is dieing, and why are many of the points void of any military personnel?
Why are there people jumping over cars or being thrown over them, clearing the car? Where is all this super human strength coming from, are they eating their protein shake?
How the fuck are zombies able to walk, let alone run on a bus rotating from 90* to 45*, especially at such a fast pace, and somehow still clear a bridge?
Why do they show Brad and Co. getting away in the chopper? Why spoil that part of the movie like that? Do the producers know the movie is crap, and trying to save us some money?
How did they setup a safe-haven place on sea, so quickly in under a day? Did they have a Global Communication device, created by Zeus himself?
What is Brad Pitt's job that he gets enlisted, or did they choose him because he's handsome as fuck and even zombies would think twice about eating him?
How did they get infected at such a rapid pace? Did no one take biology 101 in school? Or did the infection spread anally, during a drunken keg party.
Why are the zombies massing together like a wave? Did they discover a way to compress themselves in a black hole and spawn hack in our reality at terminal velocity?
Why are the zombies working together to from a human snake? Did they watch the Human Centipede? Why is no one shooting them or blowing up their bottom parts so they fall off again?
Why are they showing only USA and the areas in it/near it? How come the only other place they show looks like a Spain or Greece built by IKEA?
Why are they focusing only on one family, and not several? Did every other single family decide their self worth is worth more then any amount of money?
Why does the trailer have dubstep in it? Is it because zombies now represent the consummation of earthly delights in form of dubstep being braindead?
Why did they name this movie WWZ, when it has nothing to do about it?
Seriously though, why call it World War Z if the only commonality is zombies? And even those are wildly different from the book version.
I mean running zombies, make the movie so if you must, but making them essentially a wave of tentacles that reminds me more of the Human Centipede or in some minor cases, L4D with Tanks rather then Z is it.
And you know whats the sad thing? I never read the book, just browsed it a few years back, alongside the Comic book which was the precursor to the book, I especially liked the part where they wrote about the story of the Roman Empire crumbling because hundreds and thousands of zombies marched to them and a single fort held them off because the survivor told them about the undead beforehand.
They were slow, they were stupid, but it was their numbers and the fact that they piled so high, they walked over the dead bodies of their own which were paled in fire under the bridge that made it terrifying, yet we have non of this here, hell, if you look carefully, you'll these guys run extremely fast, yet somehow, when required (like the Helicopter or Plane scene) simply 'run' at a brisk pace.
Even Micheal Bay has more self composure then the guy who wrote "Ultimate Wolverine vs. Hulk".
So I wont get to see this?
Damn you Hollywood... Damn you...
what about the sub captain who has to hunt down his son, who is also a sub captain, and sink his sub to keep him from destroying the world.(er something, its been a while.)
Tbh, that's one of weak points of the Max Brook's book.
Even though his idea of how zombies ignore pain and immune to shock effect from conventional weapons is cool and shit, that doesn't explain how modern artillery and cluster bombs fail do deliver any significant damage to slowly moving crowd. Munitions like that devastate armored columns in less than a second, there's no fucking way it's not effective against soft flesh. Considering that, stuff shown in trailer makes more sense - at least they're moving fast.
and yeah, pretty much every zombie movie that was made focused on survival aspect of it, no global war, no explanation why army failed - every time they show the aftermath, not the actual events.
And most important Why:
Why it's so short, only 3 minutes?!
Good zombie movies do not put the focus on "massive worldwide scale of infestation", that's where this looks to miss out on what makes zombie movies great, the apocalypse should always take the backstage to the personal stories and survival of characters.
Nearly all zombie stories involves a worldwide zombie apocalypse and makes you feel like how it would do there, communications fail, no one has any idea what is going on!
I do think that one less zombie movie is better than one more bad one.
I do hope for the sake of the lols that this movie features a zombie army rushing down a hill against a human army, that would be the crown on this masterpiece.
And frankly it looks like a terrible movie
This one is different. And that's what makes it so fucking cool. The book is popular because of that, it tries to explain what actually happened and why dudes with tanks failed worldwide.
It was more about the must to have a global infestation theme as if it was a tom clancy novel.
The setting does seem interesting but the infestation does seem overdone for the movie for the sake of being a disaster-movie, I never read world war z, but I did read zombie survival guide, it's pretty specific with how zombies rot and how incapable they are of running :P
Don't get me wrong though, I'm a big fan of running zombies, but this is taking it to a whole other level!
Large volumes of densely packed flesh would be particularly good at absorbing that kind of fire power. IIRC, it's more sheer numbers and attrition that wear the military down in the book; you can do all the damage you like, your ammunition is going to be limited.
One of the things that is so great about the book is how it goes into all the problems other than zombies. This seems like it's switching much of that in favour of a faster pace, more action disaster movie film.
ie. Hollywood being Hollwyood
Really loved the book, but this movie has absolutely nothing to do with it. Cannot wait to hear what Max Brooks has to say about it.
the bombs were effective in the book. but they were super expensive and they only had so many. even if you blow off their legs they keep crawling at you. the pop of new york is 8 million. thats a lot of brains to destroy
im going to see it anyway, but casting brad pitt turned this from the story of survivors around the world to lets just see what brad pitt does.
Let's say they had $125 million.
Brad Pitt's Paycheck: $124,999,999
VFX: $1
1. release it as a syfy original movie
2. rename it ZOMBALANCHE
what the fuck is up with the zombies flowing around town like a fucking mudslide.
the runnin zombie things are ok with me and even how terrible terrible they look, just looks like a slightly higher budget syfy movie. i have 2 favorite books involving zombies, this one, and i am legend. and it looks like we will never actualy have a movie of them.
I kinda get the feeling that he's not even trying anymore.
And yeah, the zombie wave thing is cool IF it was any other movie, especially if insects are involved with a Hivemind, but since these are supposed to follow the books, and zombies are essentially a walking mass of meat who wants your brains, I don't understand how this makes any sense.
well, it is his production company
It's like if the zombies in this movie could actually fly and repeated the squid sequences from the matrix movies with the excuse that the creators were inspired by bee-hives, and completely forgetting that humans can't fly.
Ants have some fantastic amount of strength compared to their size as well as hooked feet to assist their climbing.
Humans can run well naturally so that I can believe in zombie-scenarios, but we are consistently clumsy when climbing on top of each-other, no virus or drug in the world can change our bodies that fundamentally.
'Tree of Life' ?
Speaking of cats...
Basically, cats have a virus which shuts down the fear system in mice, this virus also has been shown to have certain effects in a great number of human individuals, in which it's the equivalent of minor brain damage, schizo, etc.
This is about the closest thing we have to a 'zombie' virus in our everyday interaction save for worms from Africa or parasites which control ants, sooo...yeah, I guess the point of our bodies becoming squids is impossible still stands.
TRUMPET BLAST.....TRUMPET BLAST..... Bass drop..... suspenseful silence..............TRUMPET BLAST....... etc
trailer soundtracks need to do something different, its getting old.
As for World War Z, I don't have any investment in the book having never read it, but it looks kinda naff. Might be worth a 2 dollar hire for a few spectacular set piece scenes if nothing else.
instead of zombies, it's bunnies. theres this Japanese island that used to be a chemical warfare lab, and now its overrun with bunnies, they could mutate, become super aggressive and go all CG on us.
bunnies would look better as a particle effect
if the movie was like the book the brad pit character would never even encounter a zombie besides listening to people talk about them.
when i heard the movie was being made i put in a bit of thought about how they was going to achieve this in the context of a film. and that to do it well would require a good bit of skill and tallent.
it seems the answer was to not even try
I'm not talking about the eventual realism of zombies, I'm talking about going above and beyond the human body (which is eventually resident-evil material).
Shutting down pain reception and pushing the body to its limit is realistic, totally breaking it and going beyond is physically impossible.
We have plenty of real-life crowd scenarios where people are full of adrenaline and being crowdy, they tend to have a hard time doing anything vertical, this is why even though the movie is about zombies, it just drops deep into uncanny valley when we see human bodies avalanche like ants.