Ok, UDK's lighting is killing me.
I am forced to use dynamic lighting because if I bake lighting the 'moss'(green thing on the right) on the ground dissapears(I think it has something to do with specularity..), and the ground texture looks really bad without it, well, it looks bad either way but witout the specularity it really looks awful. I tried to force dynamic ligting, change the cascaded shadow map resolution, in the world properties I modified almost everything that cointains the word shadow but nothing worked
. I also tried to bake lighting only on those meshes with bake selected only, but it didn't changed anything. I just want to render the dynamic shadows further away from the camera. I think it can be done trough some ini, but I have no idea which.. I don't know, I just want the shadows to show up on the distance like they show close to the camera. I don't care about performance, because this environment is just for 2 screenshots, so it doesn't really matters. Here are some screenshots to explain this better:
normal position of the camera, it looks bad. However, if I get
closer to the meshes, the shadows are ok
Specularity usually gets a separate bake, there are some documentations about it on UDN, so read those, but generally, complex materials that have Fresnel and such to fake 'moss' through the material (EI: very dependent on lighting and camera angles) are going to take a massive hit when you bake them out.
As for the shadow, it's simply a limitation thing, there is nothing you can really do about it. You can change some of the INI settings here and there, but they won't really make a difference in the viewport and it will only slow it down.
You can push that radius out a bit...but I believe it comes at a tremendous performance cost. It's under the cascaded shadowmaps section of the actual sunlight's properties.
blankslatejoe: I've tried to do that, I changed it first to 1000 and then to 10000, I've also changed the other two parameters, but nothing changed, so I guess it has something to do with the viewport quality, as Ace-Angel said.
Well, I'll try to find an INI that is related to the viewport in some way, but if I have no luck I guess I'll make a Material Instance only for those meshes and I'll darken them up, or I will cover them with foliage.
Thanks for the replies!
At a guess It sounds like you've got a problem with vertex color and the reflection vector.
Here's a thread that might help
And maybe post up the shader network that's causing the problem?